Project – Creating a culture of hospitality in the Church. A case study of Assemblies of God Nigeria, Ndokwa Area

Project – Creating a culture of hospitality in the Church. A case study of Assemblies of God Nigeria, Ndokwa Area.



  • Background to the Study

Creating a culture of hospitality within a church setting is a multifaceted endeavor that involves theological, sociocultural, and organizational dimensions. In the context of the Assemblies of God Nigeria, Ndokwa Area, this task becomes even more intricate due to the unique cultural and social dynamics of the region. Hospitality in the church is not merely about welcoming newcomers but also about creating an environment where every individual feels valued, respected, and part of the community. According to Pohl (1999), hospitality is a central practice in Christian communities, rooted in biblical teachings and the example of Jesus Christ. The Assemblies of God Nigeria, Ndokwa Area, has sought to embody these principles through various initiatives and practices aimed at fostering a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere.

One of the key aspects of creating a culture of hospitality in the church is understanding the theological foundations of hospitality. The Bible provides numerous examples of hospitality, from the Old Testament stories of Abraham and Sarah welcoming strangers (Genesis 18:1-8) to the New Testament teachings of Jesus and the apostles. In the New Testament, hospitality is often linked with the concept of love and service to others (Hebrews 13:2, 1 Peter 4:9). The Assemblies of God Nigeria, Ndokwa Area, has emphasized these biblical principles in their teachings and sermons, encouraging members to view hospitality as a vital aspect of their faith and practice. This theological grounding helps to create a shared understanding and commitment to hospitality within the church community.

Sociocultural factors also play a significant role in shaping the practice of hospitality in the church. In the Ndokwa Area, traditional Nigerian values of community, respect, and generosity influence how hospitality is perceived and practiced. According to Nwoye (2006), African hospitality is deeply rooted in the cultural ethos of communal living and mutual support. The Assemblies of God Nigeria, Ndokwa Area, has integrated these cultural values into their hospitality practices, creating a unique blend of Christian and traditional Nigerian hospitality. This approach not only makes the church more welcoming to local members but also helps to bridge the gap between the church and the wider community.

Organizational practices and structures are also crucial in fostering a culture of hospitality in the church. The Assemblies of God Nigeria, Ndokwa Area, has implemented various programs and initiatives aimed at promoting hospitality. These include welcoming committees, hospitality training for church members, and regular social events to build community. According to Searcy and Thomas (2010), effective hospitality in the church requires intentional planning and organization. By creating specific roles and responsibilities related to hospitality, the church ensures that welcoming and caring for others is a priority and not left to chance.

The impact of these hospitality practices can be seen in the growth and vibrancy of the church community. Research by Ammerman (1997) suggests that churches that prioritize hospitality tend to have higher levels of member engagement and satisfaction. In the case of the Assemblies of God Nigeria, Ndokwa Area, the emphasis on hospitality has helped to create a strong sense of community and belonging among members. This, in turn, has contributed to the church’s growth and outreach efforts, as newcomers are more likely to stay and become active participants when they feel welcomed and valued.

In conclusion, creating a culture of hospitality in the church involves a combination of theological understanding, cultural sensitivity, and organizational planning. The Assemblies of God Nigeria, Ndokwa Area, provides a compelling case study of how these elements can be effectively integrated to foster a welcoming and inclusive church community. By grounding their hospitality practices in biblical teachings, incorporating traditional Nigerian values, and implementing structured programs, the church has created an environment where members and newcomers alike feel valued and connected. This holistic approach to hospitality not only enhances the church community but also serves as a model for other churches seeking to create a culture of hospitality.

1.2.  Statement of the Problem

Creating a culture of hospitality within the church is a critical aspect of fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment for both congregants and visitors. In the context of the Assemblies of God Nigeria, Ndokwa Area, this issue becomes particularly significant due to the diverse demographic and cultural backgrounds of the church members. Despite the church’s efforts to promote a hospitable atmosphere, there are still challenges that hinder the full realization of this goal. These challenges include inadequate training for church members on hospitality, lack of resources to support hospitality initiatives, and cultural barriers that may affect the perception and practice of hospitality.

One of the primary problems is the lack of structured training programs for church members on the principles and practices of hospitality. While the church may have a general understanding of the importance of being welcoming, there is often a gap in translating this understanding into actionable steps. Without proper training, church members may not know how to effectively engage with newcomers or how to create an environment that makes everyone feel valued and included. This gap in knowledge and skills can lead to missed opportunities for meaningful connections and can negatively impact the church’s growth and community engagement.

Another significant issue is the lack of resources dedicated to hospitality initiatives. Creating a culture of hospitality requires not only human effort but also financial and material resources. For instance, having a welcoming committee, organizing regular fellowship events, and maintaining a comfortable and inviting church environment all require funding. In the Ndokwa Area, limited financial resources can constrain the church’s ability to implement and sustain hospitality programs. This financial limitation can result in a less welcoming atmosphere, which may deter potential new members and affect the overall church experience for existing congregants.

Cultural barriers also play a crucial role in shaping the hospitality practices within the church. The Ndokwa Area is characterized by a rich tapestry of cultural traditions and practices, which can sometimes clash with the church’s hospitality goals. For example, certain cultural norms may dictate how people interact with strangers or newcomers, which can influence the level of openness and warmth extended to visitors. Understanding and navigating these cultural nuances is essential for creating a truly hospitable environment. However, this requires intentional efforts to bridge cultural gaps and promote a more inclusive approach to hospitality.

Furthermore, there is a need to address the perception of hospitality within the church community. Hospitality is not just about welcoming newcomers but also about fostering a sense of belonging and community among existing members. In some cases, long-standing members may feel neglected or overlooked in the church’s efforts to attract new members. This can create a sense of division and undermine the overall goal of creating a hospitable environment. Therefore, it is important to strike a balance between welcoming new members and nurturing the existing congregation.


Lastly, the church leadership plays a pivotal role in setting the tone for hospitality. Leaders must model hospitable behavior and prioritize hospitality as a core value of the church. This involves not only preaching about the importance of hospitality but also demonstrating it through actions and policies. Effective leadership can inspire and mobilize the entire church community to embrace a culture of hospitality. However, if the leadership is not fully committed to this goal, it can be challenging to achieve meaningful and lasting change.

Creating a culture of hospitality in the Assemblies of God Nigeria, Ndokwa Area, involves addressing several interconnected issues, including training, resources, cultural barriers, community perception, and leadership. By tackling these challenges, the church can create a more welcoming and inclusive environment that reflects the true spirit of hospitality. This, in turn, can enhance the church’s growth, community engagement, and overall impact.

1.3. Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to examine the “Creating a culture of hospitality in the church. A case study of Assemblies of God Nigeria, Ndokwa Area”. The specific objectives of the study are:

  1. To understand the practices and attitudes towards hospitality within the church community.
  2. To identify potential barriers to creating a culture of hospitality within the church.
  3. To explore successful strategies and best practices for promoting hospitality within the church.
  4. To assess the impact of a hospitable culture on church attendance and community engagement.

1.4. Research Questions

The research questions are buttressed below:

  1. What are the practices and attitudes towards hospitality within the church community?
  2. What are the potential barriers to creating a culture of hospitality within the church?
  3. What are the successful strategies and best practices for promoting hospitality within the church?
  4. What is the impact of a hospitable culture on church attendance and community engagement?

1.5. Research Hypothesis

The hypothetical statement of the study is buttressed below:

Ho: Hospitable culture has no significant impact on church attendance and community engagement.

H1: Hospitable culture has significant impact on church attendance and community engagement.

1.6.  Significance of the Study

Creating a culture of hospitality within the church is essential for fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment where all individuals feel valued and accepted. In the context of the Assemblies of God Nigeria, Ndokwa Area, this culture can significantly enhance the church’s mission of spreading the gospel and building a strong, supportive community. Hospitality in the church goes beyond mere friendliness; it involves genuine care, empathy, and a commitment to serving others, reflecting the love and compassion of Christ. By prioritizing hospitality, the church can create a space where members and visitors alike experience a sense of belonging and spiritual nourishment.

The significance of hospitality in the church is deeply rooted in biblical teachings. Scriptures such as Romans 12:13, which encourages believers to “practice hospitality,” and Hebrews 13:2, which reminds us to “show hospitality to strangers,” underscore the importance of this virtue. For the Assemblies of God Nigeria, Ndokwa Area, embracing these teachings can lead to a more vibrant and dynamic congregation. When church members actively practice hospitality, they embody the principles of love and service that are central to the Christian faith, thereby attracting more people to the church and encouraging spiritual growth among existing members.

In the Ndokwa Area, where diverse cultural and socio-economic backgrounds converge, a culture of hospitality can bridge gaps and foster unity. The Assemblies of God Nigeria can play a pivotal role in promoting inclusivity by recognizing and celebrating the unique contributions of each individual. This approach not only strengthens the church community but also sets a positive example for the broader society. By demonstrating that hospitality transcends differences, the church can become a beacon of hope and reconciliation in the region, promoting peace and understanding among its members.

Moreover, a hospitable church environment can significantly impact the spiritual well-being of its members. When individuals feel welcomed and cared for, they are more likely to engage in church activities, participate in worship, and contribute to the church’s mission. For the Assemblies of God Nigeria, Ndokwa Area, this means increased attendance, greater involvement in ministry work, and a more robust support system for members facing personal challenges. Hospitality can thus serve as a catalyst for spiritual revival and community development, enhancing the overall effectiveness of the church’s outreach efforts.

The practical implications of fostering a culture of hospitality are also noteworthy. For instance, the Assemblies of God Nigeria, Ndokwa Area, can implement various initiatives to promote hospitality, such as training programs for greeters and ushers, creating welcoming spaces within the church premises, and organizing community events that encourage interaction and fellowship. These efforts can help to create a warm and inviting atmosphere that resonates with both regular attendees and newcomers. By investing in hospitality, the church can ensure that every individual who walks through its doors feels seen, heard, and appreciated.

In conclusion, the significance of creating a culture of hospitality in the Assemblies of God Nigeria, Ndokwa Area, cannot be overstated. It is a vital aspect of the church’s mission to embody the love of Christ and serve the community. By prioritizing hospitality, the church can foster a sense of belonging, promote unity, enhance spiritual well-being, and create a welcoming environment that attracts and retains members. Ultimately, a hospitable church is better equipped to fulfill its calling and make a meaningful impact in the lives of its members and the broader community.

1.7. Scope of the Study

The study examines Creating a culture of hospitality in the Church. A case study of Assemblies of God Nigeria, Ndokwa Area.

1.8.  Operational Definition of Terms

  1. Creating: The act of bringing something into existence or causing something to happen as a result of one’s actions. In the context of your study, it refers to the process of establishing or fostering a particular environment or set of practices.
  2. Culture: A set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes an institution, organization, or group. Culture encompasses the social behavior and norms found in human societies and is often passed down from generation to generation.
  3. Hospitality: The friendly and generous reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers. In a broader sense, it involves creating a welcoming and inclusive environment where people feel valued and cared for.
  4. Church: A building used for public Christian worship, or more broadly, a community of Christians who gather for religious purposes. The term can also refer to the organized institution of Christianity as a whole.
  5. Assemblies of God Nigeria: This refers to a specific regional division of the Assemblies of God denomination in Nigeria, located in the Ndokwa area. The Assemblies of God is a Pentecostal Christian denomination known for its emphasis on the baptism in the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues, and evangelism.

Project – Creating a culture of hospitality in the Church. A case study of Assemblies of God Nigeria, Ndokwa Area