Project – Design of an online assignment management system

Project – Design of an online assignment management system



An online assignment handling system is a system contained within the module virtual learning environment. The functionality of the standard assignment handling module has been extended to cater of all the department’s needs in terms of receiving assignments from students, making them available to tutors to mark, returning grades, comments and marked work to students and keeping registry and course administrators informed at all stages of the process. Extension requests are an integral part of the system.Universities, polytechnics and colleges of education are considered the main provider of knowledge in various fields. Various courses of studies are taught in institutions, covering several fields in including applying sciences, math, computer, human resources, and accounting.  Most courses at polytechnic consist of theoretical as well as practical subject matter. To evaluate the level of understanding and National Diploma of comprehensive among student assignment are obtain given assignment are submitted by student either individual or in groups.  Assignment management involved collecting, marking, and redistributing to student. Tregobov (1998) brakes the process down into four stages: submission, recording, marking, and return. Online assignment submission management (OASM) involves the use of the world-wide web, the internet and computers to aid these process (jones, 2003). With the traditional assignment submission system, lots of problems arise especially when the student have to submitting the answers of the assignment to the lecturer. There may be problems due to distance, time, or format of the assignment (the written or printed). Also every learning process requires administrative sport, much of this administrative sport is to some degree or National Diploma transparent but if the letter is not well organized it could disrupt the flow of learning between students and lecturers. As the educational world moving faster and becoming more competitive, almost every university started to use an online submission system or newer technologies to facilitated their task to have more time, and to be in pace with this fast moving IT world.


Many reported failures in courses to in the tertiary institution can be attributed to the carelessness  of the student or the class captain who failed to submit their assignment to the lecturer for making (jones, 2003). Such carelessness could lead to a zero mark or victimize whose paper was declaring missing or simply not found. more ever assignments that are large in terms of pages or volume could easily discourage a student from submitting due to financial constraints brought about by high cost of printing. The manual method of submitting assignment to the course lecturer or directly to the lecturer in department of computer science is simply not effective as papers could get damage or get missing due to the carelessness of the classs representative or the lecturer submission management system, or unexpected hazard(fire or water).All these problems highlighted are main reasons the researcher is developing an electronic assignment management system to curtail these challenges and make studying more  effect  in our tertiary institutions.


The aim of the project is to design online assignment management system. Specific objectives of the study are:

  1. To create a database that will manage each student assignment and allow access by lecturer to those files submitted by the student.
  2. To create a quick search and advance search that the student/lecturer can sort a files.
  • This proposes system is pitched towards providing a system to ensure equal opportunity and impartial review of student assignment submission.
  1. Allowed lecturer to upload the assignment or job to students.
  2. Allowed the student to upload the assignment


The study will aid lecturers to have a well-structured system for assignment management This will eliminate paper work in their offices and improve on their efficiency in managing students assignments. Unlike attaching files in a mailing system like yahoo mail and gmail sending to a lecturer, this system systemically arranges assignments with respect to courses, departments and students ID, creating a more user friendly environment for both the students and the lecturers. Submission management system


The system focus on developing a system that is web base application that will allow a lecturers  to upload the assignment for the student of computer science (case study)  and the student upload the assignment for the lecturers.


Due to time and financial constraint, was unable to visit other department of in kano state polytechnic (school of technology) to gather information on the existing online assignment management system. Departments of computer science visited and the information gathered from the lecturers and other stack holder in charge forms the basis for this design of the new online assignment management system. does the system mark the assignment? the system will not be able to mark the assignment but it can be send easily and directly from student to lecturer.

The system did not cover the universities and the college of education, which could also be automated.


Assignment: a task or piece of work allocated to someone as part of a job or course of study.

student:  pupil a learner who is enrolled in  an educational institution.

Online: online indicates a state of connectivity. Submission management system

Offline: when computer or other device is not turned on or connected to other devices.

System: is a  collection of element or component that organized for a common purpose

PHP:is acronym(Hypertext preprocessor)widely used open source  is general­ purpose scripting language isespecially suited by web development.

 MSQL: is a relational databasemanagementsystem based on SQL-Structured Query Languege

Lecturer: a lecturer is an oral presentation intended to present information or teach people about a particular subject, for example by a college of education or polytechnic teacher.

Submission or compliance:The action of presenting a proposal, application or other document for consideration or judgment. Submission management system.


Project – Design of an online assignment management system