Project – Effects of poor implementation of collection development policy in academics libraries

Project – Effects of poor implementation of collection development policy in academics libraries



This chapter consists of historical background of the study area, statements of the problems, research questions, objectives of the study, significance of study, scope of the study, as well as definition of the terms.

Background of the Study

The word “library” is derived from the lain word “liber” which means book. It however has many different definitions. According to the united national education “a library” is an organized collection of published book and periodical and services of a staff able to provide and interpreter such materials as are required to meet the informational research, educational or recreational need of its users.

The importance of applying sound and functional policy as regards to collection development in a library cannot be over looked because the well being of the library depend solely on the nature and quality of relevant materials available.

According to Anyanwu (2006), collection development is the process the library adopts in assembling together different types of materials, which the users may need. It is a term that encompasses member of activities related to the development of the library collection including the determination and co-ordination selection policy.

Collection development can also be defined as the process of planning a stock acquisition programme, not simply to cater for immediate needs but to build a coherent and reliable collection over a number of years to meet objective of the service. Collection development is made up of many elements, which includes community analysis or user study, policies, selection, acquisition, weeding and evaluation.

Amongst all the elements that make-up collection development, the policy that guides it, is the most important because it is the blue print that guides the library in its collection development policy is caries out it’s development. It specifies the kind of materials to be selected, acquisition procedure for evaluation of library material and weeding.

Collection development could be written or unwritten, but written one is better than the unwritten, because it is rigid and states plainly what the library must follow in acquiring material. Collection development policy is made up of many components, which includes: objective of the institution, subject coverage of the materials, types and forms of materials, selection of library materials, sources of purchase, and mode of payment for materials etc.

The absence of a functional collection development policy will place the library in a precarious situation, and such situation if not properly handled, will bring the library services to a near halt.


Collection development and its policy is one of the major factors that enhance the development of a library and its collection, but unfortunately, it is no longer given proper attention. Some of the libraries that claim to have collection development policy do not implement it, while in some libraries collection development policy is non-existence. This study is undertaken to identify problems hindering the implementation of collection development policy.


  1. To find out if the library have a collection development policy
  2. To find out how qualify the library’s collection development is
  3. To shows those responsible for drawing the library’s collection development policy
  4. To know the criteria for the selection of those who implement the policy


This study is guided by the following research questions:

  1. Does your library have a collection development policy?
  2. How will you qualify your library’s collection development?
  3. Who are those responsible for drawing the library’s collection development policy?
  4. What are the criteria for the selection of those who implement the policy?

1.5. Research Hypothesis

The research hypothesis is buttressed below:

Ho: Poor implementation of collection development policy will not affect academics libraries.

H1: Poor implementation of collection development policy will affect academics libraries


The findings of this research will hopefully be of immense benefit to the following; Library Management, Collection Librarians, Library Users and the Government.

Library management stands to gain from the findings of this study in a number of ways. First by establishing availability and extent of use of collection development policy in the academic libraries in the zone, the library management will be in a better position to re-assess those libraries that do not possess it, or do not make use of it with a view to enforce it and achieve the objectives which the academic libraries are established for. Secondly, the findings of the study will further educate library management on how best to adopt collection development policy for the benefit of their respective libraries, based on strategies suggested to enhance its application. Thirdly, the existence and application of a collection development policy will help the library management to make proper arrangement to stock libraries with adequate materials for learning, in order to achieve the objectives of the institutions it serves.


       This study is exclusively on effects of poor implementation of collection development policy in academic libraries with specific issues like; availability of a written collection development policy, contents of collection development policies, extent of use of written collection development policy, effect of the application of  collection development policy in achieving the objectives of the library, constraints to the application of collection development policy, and strategies that will enhance the application of collection development policies. Issues bordering on controversial materials, preservation of library materials and availability or otherwise of self-censorship are not covered in the study.  The study was limited to Academic Libraries in Federal College of Education, Katsina.


Academic Library: Academic libraries or libraries in institution of higher learning such as universities, polytechnics, colleges of technology, art and distinctive as the institution which they serve.

Serial Management: The management can be defined as the careful organization of all periodicals, annuals, proceedings, transaction of all print and non print materials.

Collection Development Policy: To make something that has been officially decided to start to happen or be used.

Effects: Producing the result that is wanted or intended.

Project – Effects of poor implementation of collection development policy in academics libraries