Project – Factors influencing material wastage on building construction site in Gombe metropolis

Project – Factors influencing material wastage on building construction site in Gombe metropolis



1.1 Background of The Study

Construction material constitutes a major cost component in any construction project.

The cost of materials may be 50% to 70% of the total construction cost depending on the type of project (Patil & Pataskar, 2013);(Gulghane & Khandve, 2015). There are several definitions of material management defined by different researchers, but (Kanimozhi & Latha 2014) defined Materials management as a process for planning, executing and controlling field and office activities in construction.

Zeb et al (2015) also define materials management as a process for executing, planning, and controlling site activities in the construction project(s). The goal of material management is to ensure that construction material is available at their point of use when needed. The material management system attempts to ensure the right quality and quantity of materials are appropriately selected, purchased, delivered and handled on-site promptly and at a reasonable cost (Khyomesh & Chetna, 2011). Materials represent a major expense in construction, poor material management can result in increased costs during construction. Effective management of materials can result in substantial savings in project costs. Material may deteriorate during storage or get stolen unless special care is taken. Delays and extra expenses may be incurred if materials required for particular activities are unavailable. Ensuring the timely flow of material is an important concern of material management. Therefore, effective procurement and handling of material present a key role in the successful completion of the work. Therefore, it is important to manage all materials from the design stage to the construction stage of the project as poor handling of construction materials affects the overall performance of the construction project in terms of time, budget (cost), quality and productivity. According to Wendy (2006) stated that material management is divided between head office and site in major construction companies. The selection, pricing, ordering, preparation of schedules, protection and use of materials to management on site due to the high cost of materials, if not properly managed during the period of execution of the contract can lead to abandonment of the project.

1.2 Statement of Problem

The present state of the building construction industry in the Gombe metropolis, Gombe State reflects various problems which include, delays in project execution/ delivery, materials mishandling, inadequate means of transportation, substandard work, materials shortage and wastage on site, as well as poor accounting and security system of the concern sites/firms (Adafin, 2011).

Material wastage on building construction sites is a significant and pervasive problem, leading to economic losses, environmental damage, and inefficiencies in the construction industry. Despite its negative impact, the factors influencing material wastage remain complex and multifaceted, requiring further investigation and understanding.

While studies have identified potential contributing factors, such as design errors, poor material handling, inadequate storage facilities, and theft, a comprehensive and quantitative analysis of the relative importance and interconnectedness of these factors is lacking. This lack of knowledge hinders the development and implementation of effective strategies to minimize material wastage (Adafin, 2011).

Therefore, this research aims to address the following key issues, by examining the current practice of material waste management by construction firms, identifying the factors militating against material waste management on construction sites and the measures to consider to ensure effecting material waste management on construction industries.

By addressing these issues, this research will contribute to a significant reduction in material wastage on building construction sites, leading to economic benefits, improved environmental performance, and a more efficient and sustainable construction industry.

There is insufficient literature on the topic ‘Factors Influencing Material Wastage On Building Construction Site in Gombe Metropolis’, therefore this research work will help fill the gap.

1.3 Justification of the Study

Materials are a major expense in construction, it is the responsibility of the contractor, Architect and engineers to manage their team, and the flow of supplies is necessary for successful project delivery and profit-maximizing. It is required that the management of the construction team specify exact supplies during the preconstruction stage to avoid overstock. They are required to buy the correct amount of material at the right time to avoid cash flow, storage and deterioration problems (Khyomesh and Chetna, 2011).

1.4 Research Questions

The following are research questions related to this study.

  1. What is the current practice of material waste management in the Gombe metropolis, Gombe State?
  2. What factors militate against material waste management on construction sites in Gombe metropolis, Gombe State?
  3. What are the measures to be considered to ensure effective material waste management on construction sites in Gombe metropolis, G0mbe State?

1.5 Aim and Objectives

1.5.1 Aim

The research aim to assess professional’s perception of material waste management practices on construction sites in the Gombe metropolis, Gombe State.

1.5.2 Objectives

The objectives of this research are:

  1. To examine the current practice of construction material waste management by construction firms in Gombe metropolis, Gombe State.
  2. To identify the factors militating against effective material waste management on construction sites in the Gombe metropolis, Gombe State.
  3. To assess professional’s perception of the measures to be considered to ensure effective material waste management in the construction industries in Gombe metropolis, Gombe State.

1.6 Scope And Limitation

This work focused on material waste management practices in Gombe construction sites, Gombe State. The study covered factors militating against material waste management, and measures for effective material waste management in construction firms. The study is limited to only building construction Sites in Gombe metropolis, Gombe State.

Project – Factors influencing material wastage on building construction site in Gombe metropolis