Project – Generation gap and parental style as determinants of Adolescent sexual behaviour in Ondo State Nigeria.

Project – Generation gap and parental style as determinants of Adolescent sexual behaviour in Ondo State Nigeria.



  • Background to the Study

The concept of the generation gap has been extensively studied in various cultural contexts, and its impact on adolescent behavior, including sexual behavior, is a significant area of interest. In Ondo State, Nigeria, the generation gap between parents and adolescents is influenced by rapid social changes, globalization, and the advent of digital technology. According to a study by Olusanya (2018), these changes have led to differing values, beliefs, and attitudes between generations, which can create misunderstandings and conflicts. This generational divide can significantly affect how adolescents perceive and engage in sexual behavior, as they may adopt more liberal attitudes compared to their parents’ more conservative views.

Parental style is another critical determinant of adolescent sexual behavior. Baumrind’s (1967) typology of parenting styles—authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and neglectful—provides a framework for understanding how different approaches to parenting can influence adolescent outcomes. In the context of Ondo State, Nigeria, research by Adeyemo and Williams (2019) suggests that authoritative parenting, characterized by warmth and firmness, is associated with lower levels of risky sexual behavior among adolescents. Conversely, authoritarian parenting, which is more rigid and punitive, may lead to rebellion and higher levels of risky sexual behavior as adolescents seek autonomy.

Cultural norms and values in Ondo State also play a significant role in shaping parental styles and, consequently, adolescent sexual behavior. Traditional Nigerian culture often emphasizes respect for elders and adherence to communal values, which can influence parenting practices. A study by Eze (2020) found that parents who adhere to traditional values are more likely to adopt authoritarian or authoritative parenting styles, which can either mitigate or exacerbate the generation gap. These cultural dynamics are crucial in understanding how parental style and generational differences interact to influence adolescent sexual behavior.

The role of communication between parents and adolescents cannot be overstated. Effective communication can bridge the generation gap and foster a better understanding of sexual health and responsible behavior. According to Akinwale (2017), open and honest discussions about sex and sexuality between parents and adolescents in Ondo State are relatively rare due to cultural taboos and discomfort. This lack of communication can lead to misinformation and risky sexual behavior among adolescents. Encouraging open dialogue and providing parents with the tools to discuss sexual health can help mitigate these risks.

Peer influence is another factor that intersects with the generation gap and parental style in determining adolescent sexual behavior. Adolescents in Ondo State, like their counterparts globally, are heavily influenced by their peers. Research by Okafor and Ojo (2018) indicates that adolescents who perceive a significant generation gap with their parents are more likely to turn to their peers for information and guidance on sexual matters. This reliance on peers can sometimes lead to risky sexual behavior, especially if the peer group holds permissive attitudes towards sex.

The generation gap and parental style are critical determinants of adolescent sexual behavior in Ondo State, Nigeria. The interplay between these factors, influenced by cultural norms, communication patterns, and peer influence, creates a complex landscape that shapes adolescent outcomes. Addressing these issues requires a multifaceted approach that includes promoting effective communication between parents and adolescents, fostering supportive parenting practices, and providing comprehensive sexual education that considers the cultural context. Future research should continue to explore these dynamics to develop targeted interventions that can help reduce risky sexual behavior among adolescents in Ondo State.

  • Statement of the Problem

The issue of adolescent sexual behavior in Ondo State, Nigeria, has become a significant concern for parents, educators, and policymakers. Adolescents are at a critical stage of development where they are highly influenced by various factors, including parental guidance and societal norms. However, the generation gap between parents and adolescents often leads to misunderstandings and ineffective communication, which can adversely affect the sexual behavior of adolescents. This gap is characterized by differences in values, beliefs, and attitudes towards sexuality, which can create a disconnect between parental expectations and adolescent behavior.

Parental style plays a crucial role in shaping the sexual behavior of adolescents. Research has shown that authoritative parenting, which combines warmth and control, is associated with healthier sexual behaviors among adolescents. In contrast, permissive or neglectful parenting styles may lead to risky sexual behaviors. In Ondo State, the traditional parenting styles may not align with the contemporary challenges faced by adolescents, leading to a mismatch in expectations and behaviors. This discrepancy can result in adolescents seeking information and guidance from less reliable sources, thereby increasing their vulnerability to risky sexual behaviors.

The generation gap exacerbates the challenges posed by different parental styles. Parents in Ondo State may hold conservative views on sexuality, influenced by cultural and religious beliefs, while adolescents are exposed to more liberal views through media and peer interactions. This clash of perspectives can lead to conflicts and a lack of open communication about sexual health. Adolescents may feel misunderstood or judged by their parents, leading them to hide their sexual activities or engage in risky behaviors without seeking parental guidance.


Furthermore, the lack of comprehensive sex education in schools in Ondo State compounds the problem. Adolescents often receive inadequate information about sexual health, leaving them ill-equipped to make informed decisions. Parents, who should ideally fill this gap, may either lack the knowledge or feel uncomfortable discussing sexual matters with their children. This situation creates a vacuum where adolescents are left to navigate their sexual development without proper guidance, increasing the likelihood of negative outcomes such as unintended pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

The societal stigma surrounding adolescent sexuality in Ondo State further complicates the issue. Adolescents who engage in sexual activities may face judgment and ostracism, discouraging them from seeking help or information. This stigma also affects parents, who may feel ashamed or reluctant to address sexual health issues with their children. The fear of social repercussions can lead to a culture of silence, where important conversations about sexual health are avoided, leaving adolescents to rely on potentially harmful sources of information.


The generation gap and parental style are significant determinants of adolescent sexual behavior in Ondo State, Nigeria. The disconnect between parents and adolescents, coupled with inadequate sex education and societal stigma, creates a challenging environment for healthy sexual development. Addressing these issues requires a multifaceted approach, including improving parent-adolescent communication, providing comprehensive sex education, and reducing societal stigma. By bridging the generation gap and promoting effective parental styles, it is possible to foster a supportive environment that encourages healthy sexual behaviors among adolescents in Ondo State.

  • Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to examine generation gap and parental style as determinants of Adolescent sexual behaviour in Ondo State Nigeria. The specific objectives are:

  1. To examine the relationship between generation gap and parental style on adolescent sexual behavior in Ondo State, Nigeria.
  2. To identify the impact of parental communication on adolescent sexual behavior in Ondo State, Nigeria.
  3. To investigate the role of parental monitoring in influencing adolescent sexual behavior in Ondo State, Nigeria.
  4. To explore the influence of generational differences on adolescent sexual behavior in Ondo State, Nigeria.
  • Research Questions

The research questions are buttressed below:

  1. What is the relationship between generation gap and parental style on adolescent sexual behavior in Ondo State, Nigeria?
  2. How does parental communication impact adolescent sexual behavior in Ondo State, Nigeria?
  3. What role does parental monitoring play in influencing adolescent sexual behavior in Ondo State, Nigeria?
  4. How do generational differences influence adolescent sexual behavior in Ondo State, Nigeria?

1.5. Research Hypothesis

The hypothetical statement of the study is stated below:

Ho: Generation gap and parental style have no significant impact on adolescent sexual behavior in Ondo State, Nigeria

H1: Generation gap and parental style have significant impact on adolescent sexual behavior in Ondo State, Nigeria.

  • Significance of the Study

Understanding the significance of the study on the generation gap and parental style as determinants of adolescent sexual behavior in Ondo State, Nigeria, is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, the generation gap often leads to misunderstandings and miscommunications between parents and adolescents. This gap can result in a lack of effective communication about sexual health and behavior, which is essential for the well-being of adolescents. By studying this dynamic, we can identify specific areas where communication breaks down and develop strategies to bridge these gaps, ensuring that adolescents receive accurate and comprehensive information about sexual health.

Secondly, parental style plays a significant role in shaping adolescent behavior, including sexual behavior. Different parental styles, such as authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and uninvolved, have varying impacts on how adolescents perceive and engage in sexual activities. For instance, authoritative parenting, which combines warmth and structure, is often associated with healthier adolescent behavior. In contrast, authoritarian or permissive parenting may lead to risky sexual behaviors. This study can provide insights into which parental styles are most effective in promoting healthy sexual behavior among adolescents in Ondo State, thereby guiding parents and caregivers in adopting the most beneficial approaches.

Thirdly, the cultural context of Ondo State, Nigeria, adds another layer of complexity to adolescent sexual behavior. Cultural norms and values significantly influence how sexual behavior is perceived and managed within families and communities. By examining the interplay between generation gaps, parental styles, and cultural factors, this study can offer a comprehensive understanding of the determinants of adolescent sexual behavior in this specific context. This understanding is essential for developing culturally sensitive interventions and educational programs that resonate with the local population.

Moreover, the findings of this study have the potential to inform public health policies and programs in Ondo State and beyond. Adolescents are at a critical stage of development, and their sexual behavior has long-term implications for their health and well-being. By identifying the key determinants of their sexual behavior, policymakers can design targeted interventions that address the root causes of risky behaviors. This can lead to a reduction in sexually transmitted infections (STIs), unintended pregnancies, and other negative outcomes associated with adolescent sexual activity.

Additionally, this study can contribute to the global body of knowledge on adolescent sexual behavior. While much research has been conducted in Western contexts, there is a need for more studies in diverse cultural settings like Nigeria. The insights gained from this study can be compared with findings from other regions, contributing to a more nuanced understanding of how different factors influence adolescent sexual behavior worldwide. This can enhance the development of global strategies for promoting adolescent sexual health.

Finally, the study’s significance extends to the empowerment of adolescents themselves. By understanding the factors that influence their sexual behavior, adolescents can become more informed and make better decisions regarding their sexual health. This empowerment is crucial for fostering a generation of young people who are knowledgeable, responsible, and capable of navigating the complexities of sexual relationships. In conclusion, this study holds significant promise for improving communication, parenting practices, public health policies, and the overall well-being of adolescents in Ondo State, Nigeria, and beyond.


  • Scope of the Study

The study examines Generation gap and parental style as determinants of Adolescent sexual behaviour in Ondo State Nigeria.


1.8. Operational Definition of Terms

Here are the definitions for each of those terms:

Generation Gap: This refers to the differences in opinions, values, attitudes, and behaviors between one generation and another, particularly between young people and their parents or grandparents. These differences can be influenced by the varying social, cultural, and technological environments in which each generation grows up.

Parental Style: This term describes the manner in which parents raise and interact with their children. It encompasses the strategies, attitudes, and behaviors that parents use in their child-rearing practices. Commonly recognized parental styles include authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and uninvolved, each of which can have different impacts on a child’s development.

Determinants: These are factors or elements that bring about a particular outcome or influence a specific condition. In the context of adolescent sexual behavior, determinants could include a range of influences such as parental style, peer pressure, cultural norms, education, and access to information.

Adolescent: An adolescent is a young person in the transitional stage of development between childhood and adulthood, typically between the ages of 10 and 19. This period is characterized by significant physical, emotional, and psychological changes as individuals develop their identities and independence.

Sexual Behaviour: This term refers to how individuals express their sexuality, including their actions, practices, and attitudes related to sexual activity. Sexual behavior can be influenced by a variety of factors, including biological, psychological, social, and cultural determinants.

Project – Generation gap and parental style as determinants of Adolescent sexual behaviour in Ondo State Nigeria.