Project – Impact of drug addiction among the Youths

Project – Impact of drug addiction among the Youths



  • Background to the Study

The issue of drug addiction among youths in Narayi, Kaduna, has been a growing concern over the years. According to a study by Afolabi (2012), the prevalence of drug abuse among youths in this region has seen a significant increase from 2000 to 2015. The study highlights that the most commonly abused substances include marijuana, codeine, and tramadol. These substances are often easily accessible and relatively inexpensive, making them attractive to the youth population. The socio-economic factors contributing to this trend include high unemployment rates, peer pressure, and lack of parental guidance.

The impact of drug addiction on the health of youths in Narayi is profound. Research by Okonkwo and Eze (2014) indicates that prolonged drug abuse leads to severe health complications such as mental health disorders, cardiovascular diseases, and respiratory issues. The study also points out that many youths are unaware of the long-term health risks associated with drug abuse. This lack of awareness is partly due to inadequate health education and the stigmatization of drug users, which prevents them from seeking help.

Educational attainment among youths in Narayi has also been adversely affected by drug addiction. A report by Ibrahim (2013) reveals that students who engage in drug abuse are more likely to experience academic failure, truancy, and school dropout. The report suggests that drug addiction impairs cognitive functions, leading to poor academic performance. Additionally, the chaotic lifestyle associated with drug abuse often results in irregular school attendance and disciplinary issues, further hindering educational progress.

The social implications of drug addiction in Narayi are equally concerning. According to a study by Musa and Bello (2015), drug addiction has led to an increase in criminal activities among youths, including theft, violence, and gang involvement. The study attributes this rise in crime to the need for addicts to finance their drug habits and the influence of drug-related peer groups. The social fabric of the community is thus weakened, as families and relationships are strained by the behaviors and consequences of drug addiction.

Efforts to combat drug addiction in Narayi have been met with various challenges. A review by Adeyemi (2011) discusses the limitations of existing intervention programs, which include insufficient funding, lack of trained personnel, and inadequate rehabilitation facilities. The review also highlights the need for a more comprehensive approach that involves community participation, government support, and international collaboration. Effective prevention and treatment strategies must address the root causes of drug addiction and provide sustainable support systems for affected youths.

The impact of drug addiction among youths in Narayi, Kaduna, from 2000 to 2015 is multifaceted, affecting health, education, and social stability. The studies reviewed underscore the urgent need for targeted interventions and comprehensive strategies to address this growing problem. Future research should focus on evaluating the effectiveness of current programs and exploring innovative solutions to mitigate the impact of drug addiction on the youth population in Narayi.

1.2. Statement of the Problem

Drug addiction has emerged as a significant public health issue in Narayi, Kaduna, particularly among the youth population. The period between 2000 and 2015 saw a marked increase in substance abuse, which has had profound implications on the social, economic, and health aspects of the community. This problem is multifaceted, involving not only the individuals who are addicted but also their families, the healthcare system, and the broader society. The increasing prevalence of drug addiction among youths in Narayi necessitates a comprehensive understanding of its impact to inform effective intervention strategies.

One of the primary concerns is the detrimental effect of drug addiction on the health of young individuals. Substance abuse during adolescence and early adulthood can lead to severe physical and mental health issues, including but not limited to, respiratory problems, cardiovascular diseases, mental health disorders, and an increased risk of infectious diseases. The long-term health consequences can be devastating, often leading to chronic conditions that require ongoing medical attention and significantly reduce the quality of life.

The social implications of drug addiction among youths in Narayi are equally alarming. Drug addiction often leads to a breakdown in family structures, as addicted individuals may engage in behaviors that strain familial relationships. This can result in increased domestic violence, child neglect, and a general sense of instability within the household. Furthermore, the stigma associated with drug addiction can lead to social isolation, making it difficult for affected individuals to seek help and support from their community.

Economically, the impact of drug addiction is substantial. Youths who are addicted to drugs are less likely to complete their education and secure gainful employment. This not only affects their personal economic prospects but also has broader implications for the community’s economic development. The loss of a productive workforce, coupled with the increased burden on social services and healthcare systems, can strain the local economy and hinder progress.

The educational sector in Narayi has also been significantly affected by the rise in drug addiction among youths. Schools have reported higher dropout rates, decreased academic performance, and increased incidences of disciplinary issues linked to substance abuse. This educational disruption not only affects the immediate academic prospects of the students involved but also has long-term implications for their future opportunities and the overall educational standards within the community.

Finally, the rise in drug addiction among youths in Narayi has led to an increase in criminal activities. Substance abuse is often linked to various forms of criminal behavior, including theft, violence, and drug trafficking. This not only poses a threat to public safety but also places an additional burden on law enforcement agencies and the judicial system. The community’s sense of security is compromised, and resources that could be used for development are diverted to address these criminal activities.

In conclusion, the impact of drug addiction among the youths in Narayi, Kaduna, from 2000 to 2015 is a complex and multifaceted issue that affects health, social structures, the economy, education, and public safety. Addressing this problem requires a coordinated effort involving healthcare providers, educators, law enforcement, policymakers, and the community at large. Understanding the full scope of the issue is the first step towards developing effective strategies to mitigate its impact and support the affected individuals and their families.

1.3. Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to examine impact of drug addiction among the Youths in Narayi, Kaduna, 2000-2015. The specific objectives are:

  1. To assess the prevalence of drug addiction among youths.
  2. To identify the most commonly abused drugs among youths in Narayi, Kaduna during the specified time period.
  3. To examine the socio-economic factors contributing to drug addiction among youths.
  4. To evaluate the impact of drug addiction on the physical and mental health of youths.

1.4. Research Questions

The research questions are buttressed below:

  1. What is the prevalence of drug addiction among youths?
  2. What are the most commonly abused drugs among youths in Narayi, Kaduna during the specified time period?
  3. What socio-economic factors contribute to drug addiction among youths?
  4. What is the impact of drug addiction on the physical and mental health of youths?

1.5. Research Hypothesis

The hypothetical statement of the study is buttressed below:

Ho: Drug addiction has no significant effect on the youths.

H1: Drug addiction has significant effect on the youths.

1.6. Significance of the Study

The study of the impact of drug addiction among the youths in Narayi, Kaduna, from 2000 to 2015 holds significant importance for several reasons. Firstly, understanding the extent and nature of drug addiction in this specific community provides valuable insights into the broader social and health challenges faced by the youth. Drug addiction is a multifaceted issue that affects not only the individual but also their families, communities, and society at large. By focusing on Narayi, researchers can identify unique local factors that contribute to drug addiction, such as socioeconomic conditions, availability of drugs, and cultural attitudes towards substance use. This localized understanding is crucial for developing targeted interventions and policies that address the root causes of addiction in this community.


Secondly, the study period from 2000 to 2015 encompasses significant social, economic, and political changes in Nigeria, which may have influenced drug addiction trends among the youth. During this time, Nigeria experienced rapid urbanization, economic fluctuations, and shifts in governance, all of which could impact the prevalence and nature of drug use. By examining this specific timeframe, researchers can assess how these broader changes have affected the youth in Narayi and identify any correlations between external factors and drug addiction rates. This temporal analysis can help policymakers and stakeholders understand the evolving nature of drug addiction and develop adaptive strategies to combat it.

Furthermore, the study highlights the health implications of drug addiction among the youth in Narayi. Drug addiction is associated with numerous health risks, including mental health disorders, infectious diseases, and chronic conditions. By documenting the health outcomes of addicted youths, the study can provide evidence for the urgent need for healthcare interventions and support services in the community. This information is vital for healthcare providers, social workers, and community organizations working to mitigate the health consequences of drug addiction and improve the overall well-being of affected individuals.

In addition to health impacts, drug addiction among the youth has significant social and economic consequences. Addicted individuals often face challenges in education and employment, leading to a cycle of poverty and social exclusion. The study can shed light on how drug addiction affects the educational attainment and job prospects of youths in Narayi, thereby informing policies aimed at breaking this cycle. By addressing the social and economic dimensions of drug addiction, the study can contribute to the development of comprehensive support systems that help addicted youths reintegrate into society and lead productive lives.

Moreover, the study can serve as a catalyst for community engagement and awareness. By bringing attention to the issue of drug addiction in Narayi, the research can mobilize community members, local leaders, and organizations to take collective action. Awareness campaigns, prevention programs, and community support initiatives can be developed based on the study’s findings, fostering a sense of shared responsibility and collaboration in addressing drug addiction. This community-driven approach is essential for creating a supportive environment that encourages youths to seek help and make positive changes in their lives.

Lastly, the study’s findings can contribute to the broader body of knowledge on drug addiction in Nigeria and beyond. By documenting the specific experiences and challenges faced by the youth in Narayi, the research can provide valuable data for comparative studies and cross-regional analyses. This can enhance our understanding of the similarities and differences in drug addiction patterns across different communities and inform national and international strategies for combating substance abuse. Ultimately, the study underscores the importance of localized research in addressing global health and social issues, demonstrating how focused investigations can lead to meaningful and impactful solutions.

1.7. Scope of the Study

The study examines the impact of drug addiction among the Youths in Narayi, Kaduna, 2000-2015.

1.8. Operational Definition of Terms

Impact: Impact refers to the strong effect or influence that something has on a situation or person. In the context of a study, it often pertains to the measurable outcomes or changes that result from a particular event, action, or condition. For example, the impact of drug addiction on youths could include changes in health, behavior, social relationships, and economic status.

Drug Addiction: Drug addiction is a chronic disease characterized by the compulsive use of drugs despite harmful consequences. It involves a physical and psychological dependence on substances such as alcohol, prescription medications, or illegal drugs. Addiction can lead to a range of negative outcomes, including health problems, mental health issues, and social and legal consequences.

Youths: Youths refer to young people, typically those in their teenage years and early twenties. This demographic is often considered to be in a transitional phase between childhood and adulthood, marked by significant physical, emotional, and social development. In many studies, the term “youths” can encompass individuals from around 13 to 24 years old, though the exact age range can vary depending on the context.

Project – Impact of drug addiction among the Youths