Project – Impact of Prayer Team towards the growth of a Church.

Project – Impact of Prayer Team towards the growth of a Church.



  • Background to the Study

The role of prayer in the life of a church is often considered fundamental, not only in spiritual development but also in the overall growth and outreach of the congregation. Prayer teams, as an organized structure within many churches, have garnered attention for their potential in fostering both personal and collective growth within church communities. A prayer team is typically composed of individuals who commit to praying regularly for the needs of the church, its leaders, and its members, believing that prayer is a powerful instrument for transformation and growth. Research has shown that churches with active prayer teams tend to experience stronger communal bonds, increased spiritual vitality, and more robust growth both numerically and spiritually (Olson, 2018). Prayer teams, through their collective faith and dedication, contribute to the creation of a spiritually charged environment that encourages church attendance, participation, and outreach activities.

A study by Lumsden and Cleveland (2017) emphasized the importance of prayer in church growth and how prayer teams can serve as catalysts for expanding the influence of the church beyond its physical boundaries. They suggest that prayer teams not only support the needs of the congregation but also act as intercessors for the wider community and the world. Through targeted prayer efforts, churches are believed to create an atmosphere that invites the Holy Spirit to move powerfully in ways that lead to growth and renewal. The prayer team’s role extends beyond the internal needs of the church, providing spiritual covering for outreach programs, missions, and evangelism, which in turn, results in greater visibility and impact in the community (Lumsden & Cleveland, 2017).

In addition to spiritual growth, prayer teams are closely linked to the organizational health of the church. According to Moore (2019), prayer is a key factor in resolving conflicts, strengthening church leadership, and establishing a unified vision. Prayer teams often serve as a foundation for decision-making processes, offering discernment and guidance for leaders facing challenges within the church. Effective prayer groups contribute to greater harmony and cooperation among church members, as their regular intercession fosters trust, empathy, and support. Moore (2019) notes that churches with active prayer ministries tend to demonstrate higher levels of engagement in ministry activities and outreach programs, translating into long-term growth and sustainability.

Furthermore, prayer teams contribute significantly to personal spiritual growth. As noted by Hummel and Johnson (2015), individuals who participate in prayer teams often experience deeper connections with God and one another. The act of interceding for others promotes humility, empathy, and a spirit of service. Prayer teams also provide a space for members to grow in their spiritual discipline, nurturing a culture of prayer that permeates the life of the church. As individuals develop a more intimate relationship with God, they often become more committed to the church’s mission and vision, resulting in a more vibrant and engaged congregation (Hummel & Johnson, 2015). The regular practice of prayer within the context of the church community fosters an environment where members are spiritually nourished and equipped to contribute to the church’s overall mission.

The case study of Epiphany Presbyterian Church highlights the tangible effects of a prayer team’s presence on church growth. At Epiphany, the formation of a dedicated prayer team led to both increased spiritual vitality and church attendance. As prayer groups met regularly to pray for the needs of the church, its leaders, and the surrounding community, many reported experiencing profound changes in their personal lives, including stronger faith and a heightened sense of purpose. The church experienced a marked increase in outreach efforts, with many members actively involved in local community projects and international missions. The case study demonstrates the powerful role that prayer teams can play in not only fostering spiritual growth but also in expanding the church’s influence in the community (Epiphany Presbyterian Church, 2020).

The literature supports the assertion that prayer teams have a significant impact on the growth of a church. The role of prayer in strengthening individual faith, building community unity, and fostering church outreach cannot be overstated. Studies show that churches with active prayer teams tend to experience both spiritual and numerical growth, as prayer helps to create an atmosphere conducive to transformation and revival. The case of Epiphany Presbyterian Church further substantiates these findings, providing a concrete example of how prayer teams can influence the life and growth of a congregation. Moving forward, it is crucial for churches to recognize the value of prayer ministries and continue to cultivate prayer teams as a strategic tool for church health and expansion.

1.2. Statement of the Problem

The growth and sustainability of churches have been subjects of considerable interest in contemporary ecclesiastical studies. While various factors contribute to church growth, including leadership, outreach programs, and community engagement, the role of prayer teams remains an underexplored yet potentially significant element. Prayer teams, dedicated groups within a church focused on intercessory prayer, are believed to play a vital role in the spiritual and numerical growth of congregations. Despite anecdotal evidence suggesting the positive impact of prayer teams, there is a lack of empirical research specifically examining how these teams influence church growth. This study aims to address this gap by investigating the impact of the prayer team on the growth of Epiphany Presbyterian Church.

Epiphany Presbyterian Church has experienced fluctuations in membership and engagement over recent years, prompting leadership to explore various strategies for revitalization and growth. The church established a prayer team as part of its efforts to strengthen the spiritual life of its members and enhance its outreach initiatives. However, the specific contributions of the prayer team to the church’s growth—whether in terms of membership increase, spiritual vitality, or community impact—have not been systematically studied. Understanding the role of the prayer team within Epiphany Presbyterian Church will provide valuable insights into how prayer ministries can serve as catalysts for growth in similar church contexts.

One of the critical challenges facing Epiphany Presbyterian Church is maintaining consistent spiritual engagement among its members. While regular church attendance and participation in church activities are indicators of growth, the leadership has observed varying levels of commitment among members. The prayer team is hypothesized to enhance spiritual commitment by fostering a culture of intercession and reliance on prayer as a central aspect of church life. However, the extent to which the prayer team contributes to members’ spiritual growth and active participation in church life remains unclear. This study seeks to clarify the prayer team’s role in addressing these challenges and enhancing overall church engagement.

Additionally, the church leadership is interested in understanding the prayer team’s impact on community outreach and evangelism efforts. Churches often rely on prayer to support their outreach programs, believing that prayer aligns their mission with divine guidance and blessing. For Epiphany Presbyterian Church, the prayer team is expected to play a critical role in supporting outreach initiatives, including local community services and evangelistic efforts. However, there is limited evidence on how the prayer team’s intercessory efforts translate into tangible growth in outreach activities and the church’s visibility in the broader community. This study will explore whether the prayer team’s involvement correlates with increased community engagement and church expansion.

Another problem is the lack of clarity around the organizational and leadership benefits of the prayer team. Church leaders often face significant pressures in decision-making and leadership roles, and prayer teams are thought to offer spiritual support that aids in effective leadership and conflict resolution. For Epiphany Presbyterian Church, it is important to assess whether the prayer team contributes to stronger leadership practices, improved decision-making, and enhanced unity among church members. Understanding this dynamic will help the church leadership evaluate the prayer team’s effectiveness in fostering a healthy organizational structure that supports church growth.

The problem this study seeks to address is the unclear impact of the prayer team on the growth of Epiphany Presbyterian Church. While prayer teams are believed to be vital in fostering spiritual growth, enhancing church participation, and supporting outreach efforts, there is insufficient empirical evidence to substantiate these claims in the context of Epiphany Presbyterian Church. This study aims to investigate how the prayer team affects church growth in terms of membership, spiritual vitality, leadership support, and community engagement, providing a comprehensive understanding of the prayer team’s role and its potential as a strategic tool for church growth.

1.3. Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to examine impact of Prayer Team towards the growth of a Church. A case study of Epiphany Presbyterian Church. The specific objectives are:

  1. To assess the effectiveness of the Prayer Team in fostering spiritual growth and community engagement within the church.
  2. To analyze the correlation between the involvement of the Prayer Team and the overall growth and attendance of the church.
  3. To investigate the specific ways in which the Prayer Team contributes to the spiritual development of individual members and the congregation as a whole.
  4. To identify any challenges or barriers faced by the Prayer Team in fulfilling its mission and goals within the church.

1.4. Research Questions

The research questions are buttressed below:

  1. How effective is the Prayer Team in fostering spiritual growth and community engagement within Epiphany Presbyterian Church?
  2. Is there a correlation between the involvement of the Prayer Team and the overall growth and attendance of Epiphany Presbyterian Church?
  3. In what specific ways does the Prayer Team contribute to the spiritual development of individual members and the congregation at Epiphany Presbyterian Church?
  4. What challenges or barriers does the Prayer Team face in fulfilling its mission and goals within Epiphany Presbyterian Church?

1.5. Research Hypothesis

The hypothetical statement of the study is buttressed below:

Ho: Involvement of the Prayer Team will not affect the overall growth and attendance of the church.

H1: Involvement of the Prayer Team will affect the overall growth and attendance of the church.


1.6. Significance of the Study

The significance of this study lies in its potential to contribute to both the academic field of ecclesiastical studies and the practical operations of church growth strategies. By examining the impact of the prayer team on the growth of Epiphany Presbyterian Church, this research offers insights into how prayer ministries can serve as effective tools for enhancing church vitality. The study will add to the limited body of empirical research on prayer teams, providing valuable data that can inform church leaders, theologians, and religious scholars about the practical implications of organized prayer efforts. This knowledge can help churches optimize their prayer ministries to foster both spiritual and numerical growth.

For church leadership at Epiphany Presbyterian Church, this study is particularly significant as it will provide evidence-based insights into the effectiveness of their prayer team in promoting church growth. Church leaders often make strategic decisions with limited data on the impact of various ministries, including prayer teams. By evaluating the role of the prayer team, this study will equip the church leadership with the necessary information to make informed decisions regarding the continuation, expansion, or restructuring of the prayer ministry. The findings could lead to enhanced leadership practices, improved member engagement, and more effective outreach programs, ultimately contributing to the church’s long-term sustainability and growth.

The study also holds significance for the members of Epiphany Presbyterian Church by highlighting the role of prayer in their spiritual lives and the church’s mission. For many members, prayer is a deeply personal and communal practice, and understanding its broader impact on the church community can enhance their commitment to the prayer ministry and the church’s activities. The findings will help members appreciate the collective power of prayer in supporting church leadership, fostering unity, and advancing outreach efforts. This increased awareness and participation in the prayer team can lead to stronger communal bonds and greater spiritual growth among members, which is essential for the church’s overall vitality.

Beyond the immediate context of Epiphany Presbyterian Church, this study offers broader implications for other churches and denominations considering the establishment or enhancement of prayer teams. Many churches struggle with growth and community engagement, and this research can serve as a model for how prayer teams can be leveraged as strategic tools for growth. The study’s findings can inform best practices for organizing and sustaining prayer teams, providing a framework for other churches seeking to strengthen their prayer ministries. By sharing the experiences of Epiphany Presbyterian Church, the study contributes to the wider discourse on prayer’s role in church growth, encouraging other churches to explore and invest in their prayer ministries.

From an academic perspective, this study addresses a gap in the literature on the relationship between prayer ministries and church growth. While much has been written about church growth strategies and spiritual practices, the specific impact of prayer teams on church expansion and vitality has received limited scholarly attention. This research contributes to the field by providing empirical data and analysis, offering a nuanced understanding of how prayer teams affect various aspects of church life, including membership growth, spiritual engagement, leadership effectiveness, and community outreach. Future researchers can build on this study to explore similar dynamics in different church contexts, denominations, or cultural settings.

Finally, the study’s significance extends to the broader community in which Epiphany Presbyterian Church operates. Churches often play vital roles in community development, social support, and moral guidance. By evaluating how the prayer team enhances the church’s outreach and community involvement, the study highlights the potential for prayer ministries to extend beyond the church walls and positively impact the wider community. Understanding this dynamic can encourage churches to integrate prayer more deeply into their outreach strategies, thereby fostering stronger church-community relationships and contributing to social and spiritual renewal within the community. This study ultimately underscores the transformative power of prayer teams as agents of growth and change within the church and the broader society.

1.7. Scope of the Study

The study examines the impact of Prayer Team towards the growth of a Church. A case study of Epiphany Presbyterian Church.


1.8. Operational Definition of Terms

Impact: In the context of this study, impact refers to the effect or influence that the prayer team has on various aspects of church growth and development. It encompasses both measurable outcomes, such as an increase in church membership or participation in church activities, and qualitative effects, such as enhanced spiritual vitality, stronger community bonds, and improved leadership effectiveness. The impact of the prayer team is assessed in terms of its contribution to the church’s spiritual health, outreach efforts, and overall growth.

Prayer Team:prayer team is a dedicated group of individuals within a church who commit to regular, organized intercessory prayer for the church, its leadership, members, and the wider community. Prayer teams typically meet at scheduled times to pray for specific needs, including spiritual growth, decision-making, outreach efforts, and the well-being of the congregation and community. The team may also pray during church services, special events, and in response to immediate concerns within the church or the broader society. The prayer team serves as a spiritual support system, fostering a culture of prayer and reliance on divine guidance within the church.

Growth: Growth in this study refers to the multifaceted development of the church, encompassing both numerical and spiritual dimensions. Numerical growth includes an increase in church membership, attendance at worship services, participation in church programs, and involvement in outreach activities. Spiritual growth refers to the deepening of members’ faith, increased commitment to prayer and worship, stronger communal bonds, and enhanced personal and collective spiritual maturity. Growth may also involve the expansion of the church’s influence in the community through outreach, evangelism, and social support programs.

Church: In this context, a church refers to Epiphany Presbyterian Church, a Christian congregation that serves as a community of believers who gather for worship, prayer, teaching, fellowship, and service. More broadly, a church is a religious institution where members come together to practice their faith, receive spiritual guidance, and participate in communal worship. The church serves as a center for spiritual growth, community support, and outreach, aiming to fulfill its mission of spreading the Christian message and fostering a vibrant faith community.

Project – Impact of Prayer Team towards the growth of a Church.