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1.1 Background to the Study

In education system, the performance of teachers is one of the handfuls of factors determining school effectiveness and learning outcomes. Naik (1998) explains that teaching is noble, but it is a challenging occupation. In order for teachers to maintain a high level of professional performance in a school environment, they must assume personal responsibility for their own performance, growth and development. Serital and Torner (2004) view teaching as one of the most influential professions in society. Teachers are the lifeblood of any education system.

The school environment, which include the classrooms, libraries, technical workshops, laboratories, school management etc are variables that affect teachers’ performance in high schools. The extent to which teachers’ performance can be enhanced depends on the effective administration of the school compound, the structure of their classroom, availability of instructional facilities, remuneration and accessories. It is believed that a well planned school will gear up expected outcomes of education that will facilitate good social and economic emancipation, effective teaching-learning process and job performance of the teachers (Ajayi, 2001; Oluchukwu, 2000).

Teachers have critical roles to play in the schools along with supporting development activities in the wider community. They are central to the realization of national and international educational goals. Most governments and other key stakeholders recognize the crucial importance of improving the living and working conditions of teachers in order to achieve the desired improvements in quality and access to basic education. The necessity of remunerating teachers adequately has been a constant refrain of education commissions and other reviews over the last forty years (Mohanty, 2000).

There are many compelling reasons being made for teachers to access their level of performance and hence productivity vis-à-vis their work environment. When the appraisal of teachers is aimed at, it determines the degree to which teachers’ orientations and classroom instructions contribute effectively towards the achievement of educational goals, and thereby becoming very helpful and profitable (Eferakeya, 2008).

Writing on the role of environment in teaching, Balogun (2007) submits that no effective education programme can exist without equipment for teaching. This is because conducive environment enables the learner to develop problem-solving skills and systematic attitudes. In their contribution, Ajayi and Ogunyemi (2005) reiterated that when a favourable environment is provided to meet relative needs of the school system, students will not only have access to the reference materials mentioned by the teacher, but individual students will also learn at their own paces. The net effect of this is increased overall job performance of the entire teachers.

Although shy and withdrawn behavior is not typically associated with classroom disruptions, students who are introverted can have difficulty in the classroom setting as well. Introverted students have been shown to have decreased engagement in the classroom setting and fewer peer interactions.

Smith and Glenn, (1994) explains that internal factors have an impact on teachers feeling of success and a number of external forces can either aid or hinder a teachers success. There are number of factors that influence teacher performance. Increased duties and demands on time, low pay, and disruptive students have a significant impact on teachers’ attitudes toward their jobs.

Mohanty (2000) explains that teacher performance as the most crucial input in the field of education. Teachers are perhaps the most critical component of any system of education. How well they teach depends on motivation, qualification, experience, training, aptitude and a mass of other factors, not the least of these being the environment and management structures with in which they perform their role.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The issue and problem of how to manage the environmental variables that affect teachers’ job performance so that they work hard for the interest of school and also, raise their socio-economic status have occupied the attention of educational administrators.

Teachers must be seen as part of the solution, not part of the problem. Poor pay, low status and morale are key causes of poor performance and corrupt behavior in the public sector. Across the world, millions of teachers, most of them women, are working tirelessly for poverty wages educating the next generation.

In addition, lack of support from staff at all levels has an effect on teacher performance. Teachers are no exception. Low pay and student conduct problems in the classroom are just a couple of issues that teachers face. Low morale among teachers is another very important problem that must be addressed if the problem of teacher shortages is going to change and ultimately improve.

The poor work environment is the type we have in most school today where teachers’ offices are either non-existent or very poorly equipped. Many schools lack chairs for teachers and students. Some school is in such dilapidated condition that teachers feel ashamed of being associated with them. They have low morale, no job satisfaction and are not willing to put enough efforts to achieve the goals of education because they lack motivation.

 1.3 Purpose of the Study

The study examines the impact of school environmental factors on teachers’ job performance in secondary schools. Then, the specific purposes of the study are to:

  1. Examine the relationship between library facilities and teachers’ job performance.
  2. Find out if staff office relate with teachers’ job performance.
  3. Examine the relationship between school climate and teachers’ job performance.
  4. Examine the effect of gender difference in teachers’ job performance.
  5. Examine the difference in teachers’ job performance based on years of experience.

1.5 Research Questions

The study is guided by the following research questions:

  1. Is there any relationship between school climate and teachers’ job performance?
  2. Do staff office relate with teachers’ job performance?
  3. What is the relationship between school climate and teachers’ job performance?
  4. Is there any gender difference in teachers’ job performance?
  5. Is there any difference in teachers’ job performance based on years of experience?

 1.6 Null Hypotheses

The following hypotheses were developed for the study:

  1. There is no significant relationship between library facilities and teachers’ job performance.
  2. There is no significant relationship between staff offices and teachers’ job performance.
  3. There is no significant relationship between school climate and teachers’ job performance.
  4. There is no significant relationship between school climate and teachers’ job performance.
  5. Years of experience does not have any effect on teachers’ job performance.

1.7 Significance of the Study

The significance of the study are stated below

The school administrators may use findings from the study to understand the factors affecting teachers’ job performance in secondary school and as result, focus management of staff and their stability or retention in the teaching profession.

The study will serve as a guide to head teachers and Board of Governors, parents and teachers’ association, members of the public, district education officers, district inspectors of schools to realize the effects of poor remuneration on teacher performance to improve, maintain, develop and retain such manpower.

Again, it will enable secondary school proprietors to be able to plan systematically for staff retention. Other stakeholders of education (parents, students, teachers, support staff, donors) will use the findings of study as a checkpoint to happenings of the same nature.

Furthermore, Ministry of Education will be able to recruit and retain teachers by improving the remuneration, conditions of working environment and providing competent manpower in management of schools. It will contribute to the existing body of knowledge and will stimulate other research as in areas of staff retention in government secondary schools.

1.8 Scope of the Study

The work examines the impact of school environmental factors on teachers’ job performance in secondary schools with a view to explore five secondary Schools in Tolu Complex, Olodi-Apapa, Ajegunle, Lagos “ namely, Adeolu Snr Sec. School, Creek Junior High School, Creek Senior High School, Expressway Secondary School, Mokoya High School. The research study is limited to the institutions under study. The research will explore variables such as remuneration, teachers’ job performance, fringe benefits, teachers’ working condition etc.

1.9 Definition of terms

The under listed terms are relevant to this research study:

Job Performance: This is the work related activities expected of an employee and how well those activities were executed.

Remuneration: Reward for employment in the form of pay, salary, or wage, includingallowances, benefits (such as medical plan, pension plan), bonuses, cash incentives, andmonetary value of the noncash incentives.

Condition of Work: Regulations governing on-the-job standards and conditions of worksuch as those affecting health and safety of workers.

School Management: Administrative system in which an individual school exercises autonomous decision making on budgets, curriculum, and personnel within policy guidelines set by its governing board.

Teacher: A teacher or schoolteacher is a person who provides education for pupils (children) and students (adults).

Classroom: A room or place especially in a school in which classes are conducted.

Fringe Benefits: A collection of various benefits provided by an employer, which are exempt from taxation as long as certain conditions are met.

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