Project – Impact of urban land use control and administration on real estate development
Land is central in the socio-economic life of any nation. The economies of most African countries largely depends on land-based activities such as agriculture, mining and tourism.
To the Estate Surveyor and valuer land is taken to be any part of the earth surface over which ownership right can be exercised.
Its utilization needs to be seen as a societal concern to be closing and continuously watched and monitored. It needs to be subjected to some measures of control to achieve the aim of the land use.
The control and administration of land use of any give society (state) is a development in the area which require a collective effort of the general public and relevant authority for effective implementation.
The rate of growth of Nigeria urban centers has given rise to the congestion, poor housing accommodation, inadequate services, deterioration of environmental qualities and pressure on urban facilities. All these problem are traceable to the inefficiencies of land use control and administration.
According to Pepper (1972): “For urban environment/area to offer its greatest utility to the people, the uses therein, must be arranged in compatible manner to minimize the significant negative impacts of higher order on the lower order use” with the advent of the British rule and her innovations. It becomes necessary for individuals to privately own land and allied with land.
The English land tenure system which was introduced with the Nigeria Legal System under the English common law consisted of various superior interest or freehold estate and inferior interest or leasehold estate.
Between the pre-independence and post independence era, a number of other legislations were in use even though they towed regional or tribal lines.
Land use regulations and controls are used to restrict the rights of private land holders in the use of land. The regulations are used to protect public interest in the use of private land. The regulations steer from the need to provide public amenities, to increase the efficiency of land use, to limit urban sprawl and unnecessary encroachment on agricultural land and to achieve least production of public services (Courtney, 1983)
Sustainable development which is development that gives room for future or further development is enhanced through efficient and effective land use control and administration. Land use control administration is effected by the government of various states and their authorities in accordance with the provisions of the land use Acts. The way and manner the land resources of any state is administered and controlled has bearing impacts on land uses and availability in that state either positively or negatively.
The urban land use control and administration affects real estate development in Onitsha, Anambra State area, following the large influx of people into the area which automatically affects the demand and supply of real estate and the pattern of land use. This invariably creates problem of inadequate control and administration in the use of urban land in Onitsha Anambra state.
The aim of this study is to identify urban land use control and administration machinery in Anambra state and how they impact on real estate development in Onitsha.
The main objectives of this research are as follows:
- To identify the various urban land use problems and their problems in Onitsha.
- To provide prospects for a good urban land control use and administration in Onitsha.
- To know the agencies and the authorities that are responsible for urban land use control and administration in Onitsha.
- What are the urban land use problems and their problems in Onitsha, Anambra State?
- What land control use and administration tools are used in Onitsha?
- Which agencies/authorities are responsible for urban land use control and administration in Onitsha, Anambra State?
H0: urban land use control and administration cannot pave way for real estate development in Onitsha.
H1: urban land use control and administration can pave way for real estate development in Onitsha.
The needs for this research study are as follows:
– The study will bring to lime light the strength and weaknesses of the Onitsha urban land use control and administrative machinery which will in turn help the concerned authorities to improve on the performance in the areas which they are found on the performance in the areas which they are found wanting.
– The project will also make recommendations on how to counter the problems that mayor have arisen from the land use control and administration of urban land in Anambra State.
This research work focuses on the impact of urban land control and administration on real estate development. Talking about the whole of Anambra State will be difficult and cumbersome to the researcher, for the purpose of proper research work, Onitsha area is the main study of this research work.
ESTATE:- The Anold Encylopedia defined estate as “the rights, interest and benefits inherent in the ownership of lands, tenements and hereditament of every kind which are immovable, permanent, and fixed and not annexed to the person. It also means level of right and interests existing in a given property.
REAL ESTATE:- This is refers to land as well as any improvement affixed to the land, including houses, building, landscaping, fencing among others. It also construed to mean any improvement on land and building.
URBAN LAND:- This comprises cities and towns which is characterized by higher population density and vast human features in comparison to the areas surrounding it. It is also all land comprised within any town or city designated as urban by Anambra state government.
URBAN LAND USE:- Urban land use is the physical manifestation of socio-economic, cultural, political and environmental forces shaping the use of land in urban area. Urban land use as used in this discourse means any and or all economic use urban land is put into be it commercial, residential, industrial, recreation etc.
Real estate development :this is a multifaceted business, merged with real estate encompassing activities that range from the renovation of existing building to sale of improved land ;r parcel to others .it also any new development in land or construction or reconstruction of an estate.
Land use control: this can be simply put as the action government take to ensure the orderliness of various land uses, it is use to ensure that environmental needs are met and for achieving sustainable development of cities and towns. It also means any conscious effort made by individual, private or public person to order the use of land in order to achieve a desired objective or set of objective or goals.
Land administration: according to Dale and Mclaughlin (1999) land administration is way in which the rules of land tenure are applied and made operational . Land administration ,whether formal or informal comprises an extensive range of systems and process to administer. The process of land administration include the transfer of rights in land from one party to another through sale, lease, loan, gift and inheritance, the use and conservation of the land. In this regard it means the enforcement of rules and regulation of existing land tenure of a given society.
Project – Impact of urban land use control and administration on real estate development