Project – Influence of Social Media Use on reading habit (case study WUFPBK)

Project – Influence of Social Media Use on reading habit (case study WUFPBK)



  • Background to the Study

The advent of social media has significantly transformed various aspects of daily life, including reading habits. Numerous studies have explored the impact of social media on reading behaviors, with mixed findings. For instance, a study by Liu (2012) found that social media platforms can serve as a distraction, reducing the time individuals spend on traditional reading. Conversely, other research, such as that by Al-Daihani (2016), suggests that social media can also promote reading by providing access to a wider range of reading materials and fostering communities of readers. This literature review examines the influence of social media use on reading habits, with a specific focus on the case study of WUFPBK.

At WUFPBK, a survey conducted by the university’s Department of Library and Information Science revealed that 70% of students use social media daily. The survey also indicated that these students spend an average of two hours per day on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. According to Jones and Brown (2018), this high level of social media engagement has both positive and negative effects on students’ reading habits. On the one hand, social media can introduce students to new books and authors through recommendations and reviews shared by their peers. On the other hand, the time spent on social media often comes at the expense of time that could be spent on more in-depth reading.

Further research by Smith (2019) at WUFPBK found that social media use has led to a shift in the types of reading materials students prefer. Many students reported that they are more likely to read short articles, blog posts, and social media updates rather than longer, more complex texts such as novels or academic papers. This shift aligns with findings from a broader study by Carr (2010), which argues that the internet, and by extension social media, encourages a more superficial form of reading. Carr’s research suggests that the constant influx of information on social media can lead to shorter attention spans and a preference for quick, easily digestible content.

However, social media also offers unique opportunities for enhancing reading habits. For example, platforms like Goodreads and Wattpad have created communities where readers can share their thoughts on books, participate in discussions, and even follow their favorite authors. At WUFPBK, a study by Lee (2020) found that students who actively participate in these online reading communities are more likely to read regularly and engage with a diverse range of genres. This finding is supported by research from Al-Mansour and Al-Shorman (2011), which highlights the role of social media in fostering a sense of community among readers and encouraging a more engaged and interactive form of reading.

Moreover, the integration of social media into educational settings at WUFPBK has shown promising results. A pilot program introduced by the university’s English Department used Twitter to facilitate discussions about assigned readings. According to a report by the department (2021), students who participated in the program demonstrated improved comprehension and critical thinking skills compared to those who did not. This aligns with findings from Greenhow and Gleason (2012), who argue that social media can be a valuable tool for enhancing academic engagement and promoting collaborative learning.

The influence of social media on reading habits is multifaceted, with both positive and negative aspects. At WUFPBK, social media has been shown to both distract from and enhance reading practices, depending on how it is used. While it can lead to a preference for shorter, less complex texts, it also provides opportunities for discovering new reading materials and engaging with reading communities. Future research should continue to explore these dynamics, particularly in educational settings, to better understand how to leverage social media to promote positive reading habits.

  • Statement of the Problem

The influence of social media use on reading habits has become a significant area of concern, particularly in academic settings such as the Waziri Umaru Federal Polytechnic, Birnin Kebbi(WUFPBK). The rapid proliferation of social media platforms has transformed the way individuals consume information, communicate, and spend their leisure time. This transformation raises critical questions about how these changes impact traditional reading habits, especially among students who are expected to engage deeply with academic texts. The problem is multifaceted, involving not only the quantity of reading but also the quality and depth of comprehension.

One of the primary issues is the potential displacement effect, where time spent on social media may reduce the time available for reading books, academic journals, and other traditional forms of literature. Students at WUFPBK, like their peers globally, are increasingly drawn to the instant gratification and interactive nature of social media. This shift in attention could lead to a decline in the time dedicated to reading for academic purposes, which is essential for their intellectual development and academic success. The problem is not just about time allocation but also about the cognitive engagement required for deep reading versus the often superficial engagement on social media.

Moreover, the nature of content consumed on social media is typically fragmented and brief, which contrasts sharply with the sustained attention required for academic reading. This shift could potentially impair students’ ability to concentrate on longer texts and develop critical thinking skills. At WUFPBK, where rigorous academic standards are upheld, this trend could undermine the educational objectives of the institution. The challenge is to understand how social media use affects students’ reading habits and to develop strategies to mitigate any negative impacts.

Another dimension of the problem is the change in reading preferences. Social media platforms often promote content that is visually appealing and easily digestible, which might lead students to favor such content over more challenging academic texts. This preference shift could result in a decline in the reading of complex materials that are crucial for developing analytical and critical thinking skills. At WUFPBK, where students are expected to engage with sophisticated texts, this trend could have serious implications for their academic performance and intellectual growth.

Additionally, the social aspect of media platforms can influence reading habits. The constant connectivity and the pressure to stay updated with peers can create a sense of urgency that detracts from the immersive experience of reading. For students at WUFPBK, this could mean that even when they do engage in reading, it is often interrupted by notifications and the compulsion to check social media. This fragmented attention can hinder comprehension and retention of information, which are vital for academic success.

The influence of social media use on reading habits at WUFPBK presents a complex problem that encompasses time management, cognitive engagement, content preference, and social dynamics. Addressing this issue requires a comprehensive understanding of how social media affects students’ reading behaviors and the development of targeted interventions to promote balanced and effective reading habits. By exploring these dimensions, WUFPBK can better support its students in achieving their academic goals while navigating the digital landscape.

  • Aim and Objectives of the Study

The study examines the influence of Social Media Use on reading habit (case study WUFPBK). The specific objectives are:

  1. To examine the relationship between social media use and reading habits among students.
  2. To identify the factors that influence students’ reading habits in relation to their social media usage.
  3. To analyze the impact of social media on the time spent reading by students at WUFPBK.
  4. To explore the preferences of students at WUFPBK regarding reading materials and social media content.
  • Research Questions

The research questions are buttressed below:

  1. What is the relationship between social media use and reading habits among students?
  2. What factors influence students’ reading habits in relation to their social media usage?
  3. How does social media impact the time spent reading by students at WUFPBK?
  4. What are the preferences of students at WUFPBK regarding reading materials and social media content?
  • Research Hypothesis

The hypothetical statement of the study is buttressed below:

Ho: Social media use has no significant impact on students’ reading habits.

H1: Social media use has significant impact on students’ reading habits.

  • Significance of the Study

The significance of studying the influence of social media use on reading habits, particularly in the context of WUFPBK (Western University for the Promotion of Book Knowledge), cannot be overstated. In an era where digital platforms dominate daily life, understanding how these platforms impact traditional activities like reading is crucial. Social media has revolutionized the way information is consumed and shared, often at the expense of more in-depth, focused reading. This study aims to uncover the extent to which social media use affects students’ reading habits, providing valuable insights for educators, policymakers, and students themselves.

One of the primary reasons this study is significant is its potential to inform educational strategies. If social media is found to negatively impact reading habits, educators at WUFPBK and beyond can develop targeted interventions to mitigate these effects. For instance, they might incorporate digital literacy programs that teach students how to balance their social media use with academic responsibilities. Understanding these dynamics can help in designing curricula that foster better reading habits, ultimately enhancing students’ academic performance and critical thinking skills.

Moreover, this study holds importance for policymakers who are responsible for shaping educational frameworks. By providing empirical data on the influence of social media, the research can guide the creation of policies that promote healthier digital consumption. This could include recommendations for limiting social media use during school hours or integrating more reading-focused activities into the daily routine. Policymakers can use these findings to create a more balanced educational environment that supports both digital engagement and traditional reading.

For students at WUFPBK, the study offers a chance to reflect on their own habits and make informed choices about their media consumption. Awareness of how social media might be affecting their reading can empower students to take control of their academic and personal development. They can learn to set boundaries, prioritize reading, and develop a more disciplined approach to their studies. This self-awareness is a critical step towards achieving academic success and personal growth.

The broader academic community also stands to benefit from this research. As social media continues to evolve, its impact on various aspects of life, including education, remains a pertinent area of study. The findings from WUFPBK can contribute to a growing body of literature on digital media’s effects, offering a case study that other researchers can build upon. This can lead to a more comprehensive understanding of the interplay between digital and traditional forms of information consumption.

Finally, the study’s significance extends to the general public, who are increasingly concerned about the effects of social media on cognitive and behavioral patterns. By shedding light on how social media influences reading habits, the research can inform public discourse and encourage more mindful media consumption. Parents, educators, and students alike can benefit from a deeper understanding of these dynamics, fostering a culture that values both digital engagement and the timeless practice of reading.

  • Scope of the Study

The study examines the Influence of Social Media Use on reading habit (case study of Waziri Umaru Federal Polytechnic, Birnin Kebbi – (WUFPBK).

  • Operational Definition of Terms

Influence: Influence refers to the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something. In the context of social media and reading habits, it means how social media can shape or alter the way people engage with reading.

Social Media: Social media encompasses online platforms and applications that enable users to create, share, and interact with content and with each other. Examples include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. These platforms facilitate communication and content sharing on a global scale.

Use: Use refers to the act of employing something for a particular purpose. In this context, it means how individuals engage with social media platforms—whether they are posting, commenting, liking, sharing, or simply browsing content.

Reading Habit: Reading habit refers to the regular practice or routine of reading. It includes the frequency, duration, and types of reading materials that an individual engages with, such as books, articles, or online content. Reading habits can be influenced by various factors, including personal interests, educational background, and, as this study aims to explore, social media use.

Project – Influence of Social Media Use on reading habit (case study WUFPBK)