Project – Investigating into the factors responsible for public project abandonment

Project – Investigating into the factors responsible for public project abandonment



1.1 Background of the Study

Uncompleted building is a building which has not been completed within a stipulated period due to poor maintenance and infrastructure, security, dilapidation, natural disaster which has made the building not to be habitable. The abandonment of residential properties and development projects is the act of isolating the building or discontinuing any activities or maintenance works on such development project within a time frame of the contract agreement and with no intention of returning back to the development (Spelman, 1993).

However, real property development and maintenance being a capital intensive undertaking should be critically analyzed to ascertain its feasibility and viability before embarking on it. But, on several occasions and as it had been observed, governments, contractors and agencies have abandoned old buildings and development projects mid-way into construction and completion.

The causes and effects of these uncompleted building abandonments are not just peculiar to a particular reason rather cut across several reasons (Ayodele and Alabi, 2011), and as well as creating a total dwindling effects on the values of developed properties located close and within the vicinity. Most of the uncompleted building usually turned into hideout for criminals.

Although, the location of the uncompleted property and demand is equally important but accessibility and the availabilities of the infrastructures in the real property location and in the neighboring built environment should be of much more significant determinants in this study context. Values in itself are not intrinsic (Schram, 2012) rather depends on the benefits derivable from that property. While this remained the case for real properties, it is essential for any real property to have sustained improved values, and this is assumed to be influenced by the availability of the earlier mentioned infrastructures in the real property location. So, if the needed infrastructures are imperious in determining the property values.

Nigeria is characterized with lots of public project abandonment due to some of the following reasons such as; poor infrastructures, poor project valuation, increase in building materials, wrong purchase of landed property/land issues, acquisition of such firm, death of the investors/owner and inefficiency of the contractor (Efenudu, 2010). Some commercial and residential buildings have been uncompleted due to some inconsistence policy of the government and deficit in contract budget which has turned into hideout for criminals and cultists in the states. Properties give out the aura of an area deteriorating. This can lower local moral and also discourage people from visiting the area.

The development of an estate requires a feasibility and viability appraisal to ensure the successful completion and subscription of the project. In Nigeria, it is sad to see that some of these housing estates are often left uncompleted despite the time and the resources committed to it from the planning stage till project execution. The state of uncompleted housing or abandoned housing estate projects in Imo especially along Lekki area of the state needs a thorough examination.

1.2   Statement of the Problem

The inconsistencies in government policies have adverse effect on public project abandonment in Imo Metropolis because new governments in most observed scenarios abandon pervious government policies or programs with the hidden understanding of embracing self-conceptualized projects. Although, this situation manifestation is made worse during the era of frequent military intervention (1983-1996) in polities in Nigeria, but the NHP (2011) stressed that even the present and past democratic dispensation had demonstrated this un-developmental character better by adopting the inconsistency concepts and syndromes in policy formulation and implementation in Nigeria system. This invariably would affect any other development project that expects to utilize the products and services ought to be provided by these projects such as real properties.

A number of studies have looked at the way abandoned properties can generate and draw in crime.  Abandoned buildings provide cover, concealment, and opportunities for motivated criminals. Criminals are drawn to an abandoned property because it suits their needs and has few controls.

The effect of uncompleted buildings on adjoining properties has been a subject of concern for experts in real estate management. Therefore, the study purpose is to investigate the investigating into the factors responsible for public project abandonment in Owerri Imo State.

1.3   Research Questions

In order to accomplish the objectives of the study, the research questions were generated from the aims which are stated below:

  1. What are the causes of public project abandonment on properties in Imo metropolis?
  2. What are the influences of public project abandonment on properties in Imo metropolis?

iii. What are the social and environmental implications of public project abandonment on neighborhood in the study area?

  1. What are the challenges of public project abandonment on properties in Imo Metropolis

1.4    Research Hypothesis

H0: Uncompleted buildings do not have any significance effect on adjoining properties.

1.5    Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to find out the investigating into the factors responsible for public project abandonment in Owerri Imo State. To achieve the set goal, the following objectives will be pursued;

  1. To find out the causes of public project abandonment on properties in Imo metropolis.
  2. To investigate the influence of public project abandonment on properties in Imo metropolis.

iii.      To examine the social and environmental implications of public project abandonment on neighborhood in the study area.

  1. To examine the challenges of public project abandonment on properties in Imo Metropolis.

1.6    Significance of the Study

It is with great hope that this study will provide more information for the following:

The results of this study will educate the general public on the causes and effect of uncompleted buildings on properties in Imo state in Nigeria with a view of reducing the issues of building abandonment in Nigeria.

The outcome of this study will guide the government and policy makers on ways to make and implement policies that will reduce the rate of uncompleted building abandonment in Nigeria.

This research will also serve as a resource base to other scholars and researchers interested in carrying out further research in this field subsequently, if applied will go to an extent to provide new explanation to the topic.

Research of this nature can be of considerable value in promoting sound methods to enhance the reduction of uncompleted building on the negative effects on properties.

1.7   Scope of the Study

This study on the effect of uncompleted buildings on properties in Imo metropolis will cover Oshodi-Isolo Local Government Area on the cases on public project abandonment in Imo State and carefully examining the causes and majorly will also cover the consequences/effects of the uncompleted buildings in the affected area. There have been instances of building failures in different parts of the country, cases of abandonment of housing projects mid-way which led to uncompleted buildings but our focus is mainly some part of the cities in Imo State.

1.8    Limitations of Study

With the research at its inception, the primary glitch would be the sourcing of related literature to aid the research. Also, availability of finance geared towards the research appears to be a limitation.

1.9    Definition of Terms

Uncompleted buildings: Uncompleted building is a building whose has not been completed within a stipulated period due to poor maintenance and infrastructure, security, dilapidation, natural disaster which has made the building not to be habitable.

Adjoining Properties: These are built environment, areas of land which include lane, street, alley situated in relation to the site on which building work is to occur as to be at risk of significant damage from the abandoned/uncompleted building work.

Environment: This encompasses places and spaces created or modified by people including buildings, parks and transportation systems. It is also means material, spatial and cultural product of human labor that combines physical elements and energy in forms for living, working and playing.

Abandoned building: Abandoned  building is a building that has left unoccupied by the owner or tenant for some period of time.

Project – Investigating into the factors responsible for public project abandonment