Project – Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of inclusiveness during classes among Physical Education Teachers in Lagos Education District 5

Project – Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of inclusiveness during classes among Physical Education Teachers in Lagos Education District 5



1.1  Background to the Study

The concept of inclusiveness in education, particularly in physical education, has garnered significant attention in recent years. Inclusiveness refers to the practice of ensuring that all students, regardless of their abilities or disabilities, have equal opportunities to participate in educational activities. According to UNESCO (2015), inclusive education is a process that involves the transformation of schools and other centers of learning to cater to all children. In the context of physical education, this means adapting activities and teaching methods to accommodate students with diverse needs. Studies have shown that inclusive PE can lead to improved social skills, increased self-esteem, and better physical health outcomes for all students (Block & Obrusnikova, 2007).

The knowledge of PE teachers regarding inclusiveness is crucial for the successful implementation of inclusive practices. Research by Hodge, Lieberman, and Murata (2012) indicates that teachers who are well-informed about inclusive strategies are more likely to implement them effectively. In Lagos Education District 5, the level of knowledge among PE teachers about inclusiveness varies widely. Some teachers have received formal training on inclusive education, while others rely on personal experience and self-study. The disparity in knowledge levels can impact the quality of inclusive practices in PE classes. For instance, teachers with limited knowledge may struggle to modify activities to suit students with disabilities, leading to their exclusion from certain activities.

Attitudes towards inclusiveness also play a significant role in the implementation of inclusive practices. Positive attitudes among PE teachers can foster a supportive and welcoming environment for all students. According to a study by Tripp, Rizzo, and Webbert (2007), teachers who hold positive attitudes towards inclusiveness are more likely to engage in practices that promote the participation of students with disabilities. In Lagos Education District 5, attitudes towards inclusiveness among PE teachers are influenced by various factors, including personal beliefs, previous experiences with students with disabilities, and the perceived support from school administration. Teachers who have had positive experiences with inclusive education are generally more enthusiastic about implementing inclusive practices.

The actual practices of inclusiveness in PE classes are a reflection of both the knowledge and attitudes of the teachers. Effective inclusive practices involve adapting activities, using specialized equipment, and employing teaching assistants when necessary. A study by Vickerman and Coates (2009) highlights the importance of continuous professional development for PE teachers to keep them updated on the latest inclusive strategies. In Lagos Education District 5, some schools have implemented successful inclusive practices, such as peer tutoring and modified games, which have been well-received by students. However, there are also challenges, such as limited resources and large class sizes, which can hinder the effective implementation of inclusive practices.

The impact of inclusive practices on students in PE classes is significant. Inclusive PE not only benefits students with disabilities but also promotes empathy and understanding among all students. According to Goodwin and Watkinson (2000), inclusive PE can lead to positive social interactions and friendships between students with and without disabilities. In Lagos Education District 5, students who participate in inclusive PE classes report feeling more accepted and valued by their peers. This positive social environment can enhance the overall learning experience and contribute to the holistic development of all students.

The knowledge, attitude, and practices of inclusiveness among PE teachers in Lagos Education District 5 are critical for the successful implementation of inclusive education. While there are challenges, such as varying levels of knowledge and limited resources, the benefits of inclusive PE are clear. Continuous professional development and support from school administration can help PE teachers in Lagos Education District 5 to effectively implement inclusive practices, leading to a more inclusive and supportive learning environment for all students.

1.2. Statement of the Problem

Inclusiveness in education, particularly in physical education (PE), is a critical aspect of fostering an equitable learning environment. In Lagos Education District 5, there is a growing concern about the extent to which PE teachers are equipped with the knowledge, attitudes, and practices necessary to create inclusive classrooms. Despite global and national policies advocating for inclusive education, there is limited empirical data on how these policies are being implemented at the grassroots level, especially in PE classes where physical abilities can vary significantly among students.

The knowledge of PE teachers regarding inclusiveness is fundamental to the successful implementation of inclusive practices. However, preliminary observations and anecdotal evidence suggest that many PE teachers in Lagos Education District 5 may lack comprehensive training in this area. This gap in knowledge can lead to unintentional exclusion of students with disabilities or those from diverse backgrounds, thereby hindering their full participation in physical activities. Understanding the current state of knowledge among these teachers is essential for identifying specific areas where professional development is needed.

Attitudes towards inclusiveness also play a crucial role in how PE teachers approach their classes. Positive attitudes can lead to proactive efforts to include all students, while negative or indifferent attitudes can result in exclusionary practices. In Lagos Education District 5, there is a need to assess the attitudes of PE teachers towards inclusiveness to determine whether they are supportive of inclusive education principles. This assessment can help in designing interventions that not only educate but also motivate teachers to embrace inclusiveness wholeheartedly.

Practices of inclusiveness in PE classes are the tangible actions that reflect teachers’ knowledge and attitudes. These practices include adapting activities to accommodate all students, using inclusive language, and fostering a supportive environment. There is a concern that without proper knowledge and positive attitudes, the practices of inclusiveness among PE teachers in Lagos Education District 5 may be inconsistent or inadequate. Evaluating these practices can provide insights into the effectiveness of current training programs and highlight areas for improvement.

The lack of inclusiveness in PE classes can have significant implications for students. It can affect their physical, social, and emotional development, and contribute to a sense of isolation and marginalization. For students with disabilities or those from minority backgrounds, inclusive PE classes are not just a matter of policy compliance but a critical component of their overall well-being and academic success. Therefore, addressing the gaps in knowledge, attitudes, and practices among PE teachers is not only a professional imperative but also a moral one.

The problem of inclusiveness in PE classes in Lagos Education District 5 is multifaceted, involving knowledge, attitudes, and practices of teachers. To create a truly inclusive educational environment, it is essential to conduct comprehensive research to understand these dimensions and develop targeted interventions. By doing so, we can ensure that all students, regardless of their physical abilities or backgrounds, have equal opportunities to participate and thrive in physical education.

1.3. Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to examine the knowledge, Attitude and Practices of inclusiveness during classes among Physical Education Teachers in Lagos Education District 5. The specific objectives are:

  1. To assess the level of knowledge among Physical Education Teachers regarding inclusiveness in the classroom.
  2. To examine the attitudes of Physical Education Teachers towards implementing inclusive practices during classes.
  3. To identify the practices of inclusiveness adopted by Physical Education Teachers during their classes.
  4. To explore the challenges faced by Physical Education Teachers in promoting inclusiveness during classes.

1.4. Research Questions

The research questions are buttressed below:

  1. What is the level of knowledge among Physical Education Teachers regarding inclusiveness in the classroom?
  2. What are the attitudes of Physical Education Teachers towards implementing inclusive practices during classes?
  3. What practices of inclusiveness are adopted by Physical Education Teachers during their classes?
  4. What are the challenges faced by Physical Education Teachers in promoting inclusiveness during classes?

1.5. Research Hypothesis

The hypothetical statement of the study is buttressed below:

Ho: Attitudes of Physical Education Teachers will not affect the implementation of inclusive practices during classes

H1: Attitudes of Physical Education Teachers will affect the implementation of inclusive practices during classes

1.6. Significance of the the Study

The study of inclusiveness in physical education classes is crucial for fostering an environment where all students, regardless of their abilities or backgrounds, can participate and benefit. In Lagos Education District 5, understanding the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of PE teachers regarding inclusiveness can provide valuable insights into how well these educators are prepared to meet the diverse needs of their students. This is particularly important in a district that may have a wide range of student abilities, including those with physical disabilities, learning difficulties, or other special needs.

Knowledge of inclusiveness among PE teachers is the foundation for effective teaching practices. Teachers who are well-informed about inclusive education strategies are more likely to implement them successfully in their classes. This study can reveal the extent to which PE teachers in Lagos Education District 5 are aware of inclusive education principles and how this knowledge translates into their teaching methods. By identifying gaps in knowledge, the study can inform professional development programs aimed at equipping teachers with the necessary skills and information to create inclusive PE environments.

Attitudes towards inclusiveness play a significant role in how teachers approach their classes. Positive attitudes can lead to more enthusiastic and committed efforts to include all students, while negative attitudes can hinder the implementation of inclusive practices. This study can assess the attitudes of PE teachers in Lagos Education District 5 towards inclusiveness, providing a clearer picture of the potential challenges and opportunities in promoting an inclusive educational culture. Understanding these attitudes can help in designing interventions that address any negative perceptions and reinforce positive ones.

Practices of inclusiveness in PE classes are the tangible actions that reflect teachers’ knowledge and attitudes. These practices can include adapting activities to accommodate different abilities, using inclusive language, and fostering a supportive and respectful class environment. By examining the current practices of PE teachers in Lagos Education District 5, the study can identify effective strategies already in use and areas where improvements are needed. This information is vital for developing targeted initiatives that enhance the inclusiveness of PE classes.

The significance of this study also extends to policy implications. Findings from the research can inform educational policymakers about the current state of inclusiveness in PE classes within the district. This can lead to the development of policies and guidelines that support inclusive education, ensuring that all students have equal opportunities to participate in physical activities. Additionally, the study can highlight the need for resources and support systems that enable teachers to implement inclusive practices effectively.

Finally, the study can contribute to the broader discourse on inclusive education in Nigeria. By focusing on a specific district, the research provides a detailed case study that can be compared with other regions. This can help in understanding the unique challenges and successes in different contexts, contributing to a more comprehensive approach to inclusive education nationwide. The insights gained from Lagos Education District 5 can serve as a model for other districts aiming to improve their inclusiveness in physical education and beyond.

1.7. Scope of the Study

The study examines the Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of inclusiveness during classes among Physical Education Teachers in Lagos Education District 5.

1.8. Operational Definition of Terms

Knowledge: Knowledge refers to the information, understanding, and skills that individuals acquire through education, experience, or training. It encompasses facts, concepts, and theories that people know and can apply in various contexts.

Attitude: Attitude is a psychological construct that represents an individual’s degree of like or dislike for something. It encompasses a person’s feelings, beliefs, and predispositions to respond in a particular way to objects, people, events, or situations.

Practices: Practices are the habitual actions or behaviors that individuals or groups engage in regularly. These can be informed by cultural norms, professional standards, or personal routines and are often reflective of underlying knowledge and attitudes.

Inclusiveness: Inclusiveness refers to the practice or policy of including people who might otherwise be excluded or marginalized, such as those with disabilities, different ethnic backgrounds, or varying socio-economic statuses. It emphasizes creating an environment where everyone feels valued and has equal access to opportunities.

Classes: Classes are structured periods of time during which instruction or education is provided to students. In the context of schools, classes are typically organized by subject matter and are led by teachers or instructors.

Physical Education Teachers: Physical Education Teachers are educators who specialize in teaching physical education, which includes physical activities, sports, fitness, and health education. They aim to promote physical fitness, motor skills, and healthy lifestyles among students.

Education: Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits. It typically takes place in formal settings such as schools, colleges, and universities, but can also occur in informal environments. Education is a lifelong process that helps individuals develop personally, socially, and professionally.

Project – Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of inclusiveness during classes among Physical Education Teachers in Lagos Education District 5