Project – Saftey management in building construction sites

Project – Saftey management in building construction sites




Construction is one of the most dangerous occupations. One in six fatal accidents at work occurs on a construction site around the world. Yet the causes of accident are well known and almost all presentable and as other business issues, occupational safety and health (OSH) can be managed in the enterprise. It is commonly known  that accidents have serious implications to the construction industry both in financial and humanitarian terms. Construction accidents may cause many problems, such as demonization of worker, disruption of site activities, delay of project progress and adversely affecting the overall cost, productivity and reputation of the construction industry (Mohammed, 1990). In Hong Kong, the cost of accidents accounts 8.5% of the total turnover price (Rordlinson 2003) considering the adverse impacts of accidents, construction safety management is of genuine concern to all stakeholders in the construction industry. Government unions and insurers have spent a greatest of time and effort  attempting to evolve legislation, rules and regulations to help reduce the large loss of life and luns and the highs number of “ lost work days” (Goldsmith, 1987). In USA, the practice of safety in construction is regulated by governmental safety and Health  Administration (OSHA), which provides strict rules and regulations to everyone safety and health reduce4 accident rates unless craftsmen and management take positive actions to integrated these rules into their everybody activities by implementing a  safety management program safety management is an road aimed at removing or minimizing the forces which cause losses through injured workers, damaged equipment and facilities. In Nigeria, the federal ministry of work promise all rules and regulations guiding construction in the country. The different individual commissioners of works in different make up states within the federation also assist in regulation of  principles and laws guiding constructional projects  in the state.

In most developing countries, including Nigerian safety consideration in construction  project delivery is not given a priority, and employment of safety measured during building construction is considered a burden (Mbuya and Lema 2002. the construction industry in Nigerian is one of the  fastest growing and largest sectors in the  National economy. It is also one of the highest contributing sectors to the national gross domestic product (GDP) next to agriculture. However occupational safety and health in the construction industry in Nigerians is at the very basic level. It lacks all the three fronts of engineering reduction and enforcement (Three E’s) of safety. Safety concerns have been raised, of late and earnest efforts are being made to promote safety in the Nigerian construction industry. The industry, as such needs to assess the safety situation and accordingly plan and implementing safe construction in Nygens.

Currently, there is a genuine set of data on safety at construction site in Nijens. Apparently, there are no systematic and organized studies conducted  specifically on the safety aspects of the construction industry in Nigens.

This research study was aimed into assess the existing safety management practices and perception in the Nigerian construction industry. The assessment was useful in providing information in terms of current safety practices administered in Nigens. Meanwhile the perceptions was useful in finding out what are the main reasons and whether the regulator and construction companies have different perceptions in identifying problems related to safety management.

Project – Saftey management in building construction sites