Project – The implication of student fieldtrip and entertainment toward their academic performance. A case study of Yusuf Maitama Sule University Kano.

Project – The implication of student fieldtrip and entertainment toward their academic performance. A case study of Yusuf Maitama Sule University Kano.



  • Background to the Study

Field trips have long been a staple in educational systems worldwide, providing students with opportunities to experience learning outside the traditional classroom setting. According to a study by Behrendt and Franklin (2014), field trips can significantly enhance students’ understanding and retention of subject matter. The hands-on experiences and real-world applications of classroom concepts help to solidify knowledge and make learning more engaging. For instance, a visit to a historical site can bring history lessons to life, while a trip to a science museum can provide tangible examples of scientific principles. These experiences not only make learning more enjoyable but also help students to see the relevance of their studies in the real world.

Moreover, field trips can also foster social and emotional development, which indirectly benefits academic performance. According to Falk and Dierking (2010), field trips provide opportunities for students to develop social skills, such as teamwork, communication, and problem-solving. These skills are crucial for academic success, as they enable students to collaborate effectively with peers and engage more deeply in classroom activities. Additionally, the excitement and novelty of field trips can boost students’ motivation and enthusiasm for learning, leading to increased engagement and better academic outcomes.

Entertainment, when integrated thoughtfully into the educational process, can also have positive implications for academic performance. Research by Gee (2003) suggests that educational games and interactive media can enhance learning by making it more engaging and enjoyable. These tools can provide immediate feedback, allowing students to learn from their mistakes and improve their understanding of the material. Furthermore, entertainment-based learning can cater to different learning styles, making it easier for students to grasp complex concepts. For example, visual learners may benefit from educational videos, while kinesthetic learners may prefer interactive simulations.

However, it is important to strike a balance between entertainment and traditional educational methods. While entertainment can make learning more enjoyable, it should not overshadow the importance of rigorous academic study. According to a study by Kirschner and van Merriënboer (2013), excessive reliance on entertainment-based learning can lead to superficial understanding and a lack of deep, critical thinking skills. Therefore, educators should aim to integrate entertainment in a way that complements and enhances traditional teaching methods, rather than replacing them.

The combination of field trips and entertainment in education can create a more holistic and engaging learning experience for students. According to Dewey (1938), experiential learning, which includes both field trips and entertainment, is essential for developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills. By providing students with diverse learning experiences, educators can help them to develop a deeper understanding of the material and apply their knowledge in real-world contexts. This approach not only improves academic performance but also prepares students for future challenges in their personal and professional lives.

In conclusion, both field trips and entertainment have significant implications for students’ academic performance. Field trips provide hands-on learning experiences that enhance understanding and retention, while entertainment can make learning more engaging and cater to different learning styles. However, it is crucial to balance these methods with traditional educational approaches to ensure a comprehensive and effective learning experience. By integrating field trips and entertainment thoughtfully, educators can create a dynamic and enriching educational environment that supports students’ academic success and overall development.

  • Statement of the Problem

The relationship between student field trips and entertainment activities and their academic performance has been a subject of considerable debate among educators and researchers. Field trips are often seen as an extension of classroom learning, providing students with hands-on experiences that can enhance their understanding of various subjects. However, there is a concern that these activities might distract students from their academic responsibilities. The challenge lies in determining whether these extracurricular activities contribute positively to students’ academic achievements or if they serve as a diversion that hampers their educational progress.

One of the primary issues is the lack of consensus on the educational value of field trips. While some studies suggest that field trips can significantly enhance students’ learning experiences by providing real-world context to theoretical knowledge, others argue that the time spent outside the classroom could be better utilized for direct instruction. This dichotomy raises questions about the optimal balance between experiential learning and traditional classroom education. Furthermore, the effectiveness of field trips may vary depending on the subject matter, the quality of the trip, and the level of student engagement.

Entertainment activities, such as school-sponsored events, sports, and social gatherings, also play a crucial role in students’ lives. These activities are believed to contribute to the overall development of students by promoting social skills, teamwork, and stress relief. However, there is a concern that excessive participation in entertainment activities might lead to a decline in academic performance. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that students often have to juggle multiple responsibilities, and finding the right balance between academics and extracurricular activities can be challenging.

Another aspect to consider is the socioeconomic background of students, which can influence their access to field trips and entertainment activities. Students from affluent families may have more opportunities to participate in these activities, potentially giving them an advantage in terms of experiential learning and social development. Conversely, students from less privileged backgrounds might miss out on these opportunities, which could widen the achievement gap. This disparity raises important questions about equity and access in education.

Moreover, the impact of field trips and entertainment on academic performance may also be influenced by the support systems in place. Schools that provide adequate resources, such as transportation, funding, and well-planned itineraries, are likely to offer more beneficial field trip experiences. Similarly, schools that encourage a healthy balance between academics and entertainment activities, and provide guidance on time management, may help students reap the benefits of both without compromising their academic performance.

The implications of student field trips and entertainment activities on academic performance are multifaceted and complex. While these activities have the potential to enrich students’ educational experiences and personal development, there is a need for careful consideration of how they are integrated into the school curriculum. Further research is necessary to understand the optimal balance and to develop strategies that ensure all students have equitable access to these opportunities without detriment to their academic success.

  • Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to examine the implication of student fieldtrip and entertainment toward their academic performance. The specific objectives of the study are to examine

  1. To examine the relationship between student engagement in field trips and their academic performance.
  2. To investigate the impact of entertainment activities on student motivation and learning outcomes.
  3. To explore how experiential learning through field trips can enhance students’ understanding of academic concepts.
  4. To assess the influence of entertainment on student retention and application of knowledge.
  • Research Questions

The research questions are buttressed below:

  1. How does student engagement in field trips relate to their academic performance?
  2. What is the effect of entertainment activities on student motivation and learning outcomes?
  3. In what ways can experiential learning through field trips improve students’ understanding of academic concepts?
  4. How does entertainment influence student retention and application of knowledge?

1.5. Research Hypothesis

The hypothetical statement of the study is buttressed below:

Ho: Student engagement in field trips has no significant impact on their academic performance

H1: Student engagement in field trips has significant impact on their academic performance

  • Significance of the Study

The significance of studying the implications of student field trips and entertainment on academic performance, particularly in the context of Yusuf Maitama Sule University Kano, is multifaceted. Firstly, field trips provide students with experiential learning opportunities that are often not possible within the confines of a traditional classroom. By visiting historical sites, scientific institutions, or cultural landmarks, students can see real-world applications of their academic subjects, which can enhance their understanding and retention of the material. This hands-on experience can be particularly beneficial in subjects like history, biology, and environmental science, where seeing and interacting with the subject matter can lead to a deeper comprehension and appreciation.

Moreover, field trips can significantly boost student engagement and motivation. When students are given the chance to explore new environments and break away from their routine, it can reignite their interest in their studies. This change of scenery and the excitement of a trip can make learning more enjoyable and less monotonous, which can lead to improved academic performance. At Yusuf Maitama Sule University Kano, incorporating field trips into the curriculum could help in maintaining high levels of student enthusiasm and participation, which are crucial for academic success.

Entertainment, on the other hand, plays a crucial role in the overall well-being and mental health of students. Engaging in recreational activities such as sports, music, and social events can provide a necessary balance to the rigors of academic life. These activities can help reduce stress, improve mood, and foster a sense of community among students. When students are mentally and emotionally healthy, they are more likely to perform better academically. Therefore, the university’s investment in entertainment and recreational facilities can be seen as an investment in the academic success of its students.

Furthermore, the social interactions that occur during field trips and entertainment activities can enhance students’ soft skills, such as communication, teamwork, and problem-solving. These skills are not only valuable in academic settings but are also essential for future career success. By participating in group activities and navigating new social situations, students can develop a stronger sense of confidence and competence. At Yusuf Maitama Sule University Kano, promoting these activities can help produce well-rounded graduates who are prepared for the challenges of the professional world.

Additionally, field trips and entertainment can provide students with a broader perspective of the world around them. Exposure to different cultures, industries, and environments can expand their horizons and inspire new interests and career paths. For students at Yusuf Maitama Sule University Kano, this exposure can be particularly valuable in a globalized world where cross-cultural understanding and adaptability are increasingly important. By facilitating these experiences, the university can help students become more informed and open-minded individuals.

Lastly, the integration of field trips and entertainment into the academic framework can foster a more holistic educational experience. Education is not just about acquiring knowledge; it is also about personal growth and development. By recognizing the importance of experiential learning and recreational activities, Yusuf Maitama Sule University Kano can create a more dynamic and supportive learning environment. This approach can help students achieve a better balance between academic responsibilities and personal well-being, ultimately leading to improved academic outcomes and a more fulfilling university experience.

1.7.  Scope of the Study

The study examines the implication of student fieldtrip and entertainment toward their academic performance. A case study of Yusuf Maitama Sule University Kano.

1.8. Operational Definition of Terms

Implication: An implication refers to a conclusion that can be drawn from something, although it is not explicitly stated. In the context of a study, it often refers to the possible effects or outcomes that the study’s findings might suggest.

Student Fieldtrip: A student field trip is an educational outing organized by a school or university, where students visit a location outside the classroom to gain firsthand experience and knowledge related to their studies. These trips are designed to provide practical learning opportunities and enhance the educational experience.

Entertainment: Entertainment refers to activities that provide amusement, enjoyment, or pleasure. This can include a wide range of activities such as watching movies, playing games, attending concerts, or participating in sports. In the context of students, entertainment activities can serve as a way to relax and unwind from academic pressures.

Academic Performance: Academic performance is a measure of a student’s achievement in their educational pursuits. It is often evaluated through grades, test scores, and other assessments that reflect the student’s understanding and mastery of the subject matter. High academic performance typically indicates a strong grasp of the material and effective study habits.

University: A university is an institution of higher education and research that grants academic degrees in various fields. Universities offer undergraduate and postgraduate programs and are often involved in research activities. They provide a structured environment for advanced learning and intellectual development.

Project – The implication of student fieldtrip and entertainment toward their academic performance. A case study of Yusuf Maitama Sule University Kano.