Project – The importance of introducing information technology (IT) in the teaching and learning of computer science in some selected private schools

Project – The importance of introducing information technology (IT) in the teaching and learning of computer science in some selected private schools.



1.1          Background to the Study

The purpose of teaching is primarily to assist the learner acquire the type of knowledge and skills that will produce desirable change in him. This can be actualized if the teaching and learning process provides the enabling environment for the learner to think critically, analytically and consequently, be an agent of change. Generally, the educational system is subdivided into the primary, secondary and tertiary levels. In some cases, the pre-primary education is an integral part of the primary level. The secondary level occupies a critical position in the educational system. According to the federal Republic of Nigeria, FRN (2014), “secondary education is the education children receive after primary education and before tertiary stage”. The broad goals of secondary education therefore shall be to prepare the individuals for useful living within the society and for higher education and communication technologies. (ICT) in the 21st century education system has been described as vital to keeping abreast with rapidly changing technologies. The introduction of information technology into the Nigerian education system is very important as it will translate into huge potentials in terms of positive outcomes. Presently, investment into ICT in Nigeria’s educational system have not yielded much when compared to similar investment made in telecommunication (Atureta, 2011).

The field of education has certainly been acted by the penetrating influence of ICT worldwide. IT has made impact on the quality and quantity of teaching, learning and research in the institution using it (Kwacha, 2017). According to Olulobe, Ubogu and Ossai (2007), the introduction of IT usage, integration and dilution has initiated a new age in educational methodologies, thus has radically changed traditional delivery and usage method in information delivery and usage patterns in the domain as well as offering contemporary learning experience for both instructor and learners. IT has the potential to accelerate, enrich and deepen skills, motivate and engage students in learning, helps to relate school experience to work places, helps to create economic viability for tomorrow’s workers, contribute to radical changes in school, strengthen teaching and provides opportunities for connection between the school and the world (Davis & Tearle, 2019), (Lemke & Coughin 2018). The rapid growth in information Technologies (ICT) have brought remarkable changes in the twenty-first century, as well as affected the demand of modern societies. IT is becoming increasingly important in our daily lives and in our educational system. Therefore, there is a growing demand on educational institution to use ICT to teach the skills and knowledge needed for the 21st century students. Information technology (ICT) has become within a very short time, one of the basic building blocks of modern society. Many countries now regard understanding Information technology ICT, mastering the basic skills and concepts of ICT as part of the core of education, alongside reading, writing and numeracy.

Of all subjects in the school’s curriculum and at secondary level in Nigeria, Computer science seems to be the most difficult subject to teach. Some of the reasons out forward are, the nature of the subject and the way it is being taught. It is believed that Computer science is taught in a way that discourage open questions, inquiry and active participation. The effect of this is that the mind and imagination of the students are closed. Adejuyigbe and Majasan (2017) said: the study of computer science from its inception was through verbal description of computer features, which made the study very abstract and quite uninteresting. Adesida (2018) also revealed that the undue emphasis on theoretical aspect of Computer science to the detriment of scientific and experimental approach had made the subject very abstract and also uninteresting. The resultant effect of all the above is that the subject no longer attracts young scholars due to the dull, uninspiring and stereotyped approach being adopted, Ajagbuna (2016) criticized those who argued that computer science lesson is often very dull because there is too much chalk and talk and no enough pupil’s participation. So other problems associated with the teachings of computer science in secondary schools in the country are the low enrollment of students in the course and the poor communication method. Students see computer science as a collection of “dead statements” presented as facts (Ajagbuna 2016). Not only this, they find computer science concepts confusing and unfamiliar. The skeptical attitudes of parents and teachers towards the subject have also constituted a problem. The effect is that students run away from the subject and all these have culminated in the low enrollment of students in the subject at the university level in Nigeria. Baldestone and Lambart (2010) showed that computer science thinking among individual secondary schools is confusing and inarticulate.

Okunrotifa (2017), also showed that students were just made to learn computer science concepts in the abstract form and were subjected to too much imagination of computer science features instead learning through practical observation. Supplement (2016) showed the expression mounted pressure advocating for the removal of Computer science from the school curriculum. The blind argument put forward by this group was that computer science had no divine right to be part of educational; experience for young people: other problems identified include shortage of specialist teachers in the field, non-availability of relevant instructional materials and textbooks. Robert (2017) and Smith (2007) wrote directly emphasizing the importance of relevant instructional materials and the need to diversify the strategy for teaching computer science. Robert (2016) suggested that teachers should be discouraged from sing didactic method of teaching to a more creative, experimental learning involving project method and to particularly encourage the move towards discovery and investigative approaches in situation well-structured by the teacher. Teachers also should be encouraged to be a guide, a facilitator and to abandon the traditional expository approach in favor of an active and open learning method.

Information technology has the ability of speeding up delivery, so this ability can be used in improving teaching-learning environment.

1.2    Statement of the Problem.

It is absolutely pertinent to remind ourselves that information Technology IT is a bedrock of modern system of education in the society. Therefore, there is need to imbibe the use of information technology   in order to build a solid foundation for the teaching and learning of Computer science. Many researchers have attributed poor teaching at secondary School levels to lack of or inadequate use of information technology IT towards teaching of Computer science.

Another problem is that, not all schools can withstand the expenses of information technological facilities. Some schools in the area prefer lending information technology ICT facilities from other sister’s secondary education or takes their students to tertiary institution for utilization of such facilities. Some students become ‘big headed’ during external examination likes Joint Admission and Matriculation board which involves the use of Computer Based Test (CBT). This creates confusion in their mindset towards the teachers, their thinking towards computer science runs contrary to the teaching and learning of Computer science.

1.3    Research Questions.

In lieu of the above explanatory essay above, the study will deem it fit to attempt the following text of questions.

  1. What are the current effects of information technology IT to the teaching of Computer science?
  2. What are the attitudes of Computer science students towards the use of Information technology?
  3. What are the problems faced in using information technology in teaching computer science?

1.4    Aim and Objectives of the Study

The main reason at the bedrock of the study is to make a yielding inquiry into the core current deplorable status of information technology in Ankpa local Government Area. My potential effort therefore, is to unleash some of the misconception of some schools towards the negligence of information technology in the teaching of Computer science. To this end, the research intends to achieve the stated objectives below;

  1. To inquire the major effect of information technology in the teaching of Computer science.
  2. To know the current attitude of students towards the use of information technology
  3. To find solution to the problem faced in the use of information technology IT in the teaching of Computer science.

1.5    Hypotheses

The following Simple Hypotheses are formulated to guide the study.

H1    There is significant difference in the mean responses between selected Private secondary school Teachers on the use of information technology IT in relation with students’ academic performance in the selected secondary schools in Ankpa, Kogi State State.

H2    There is no significant difference in the mean responses between selected Private secondary schools on the impact of information technology IT on Students academic performance in the selected private schools in Ankpa, Kogi State.

1.6    Significance of the Study.

The findings of the study will be of much significance to students, teachers’ schools, and researchers in Secondary Schools. This is because the report of the study will serve as a good reference document to the group of learners when conducting a research on related topic. Again, the study has much significance on the government in Nigeria. This is so because, it will serve as a source of information to them, that information technology has great impact on Students academic performance.

Furthermore, parents and the society will also benefit from the study, as students acquire the right knowledge, skills and attitude, they will be gainfully employed or self-reliant, thus contributing to the improvement of the society and the country as a whole.

1.7    Scope of the Study

This finding encompasses Ankpa Local Government Area of Kogi state. The spatial extent for the finding covers Opulega, along Ejegbo Road, Taiwo Road and General Hospital street, which makes up among areas in Ankpa LGA.

1.8 Definition of terms

Computer science: Computer science is the study of computation, information, and automation. Computer science spans theoretical disciplines to applied disciplines.

Information Communication technology (ICT): Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) is a broader term for Information Technology (IT), which refers to all communication technologies, including the internet, wireless networks, cell phones, computers, software, middleware, video-conferencing, social networking, and other media applications and services.

Teacher: a person who teaches, especially in a school.

Student: a person who is learning a subject or skill.

Administrator: a person responsible for carrying out the administration of a business or organization.

School:  any institution at which instruction is given in aparticular discipline.

Theoritical; concerned with or involving the theory of a subject or area of study rather than its practical application.

Curriculum; the subjects comprising a course of study in a school or college.

Computer Based Test; It is a type of exam that is administered on a computer rather than on paper or verbally . CBT exams can include multiple-choice questions, fill-in-the-blank questions, and other types of questions that can be easily scored by a computer.

Hypothesis; a supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation. “his ‘steady state’ hypothesis of the origin of the universe”

Project – The importance of introducing information technology (IT) in the teaching and learning of computer science in some selected private schools