Project – The Pastoral role in Christian Marriage

Project – The Pastoral role in Christian Marriage



  • Background to the Study

The role of pastors and church leaders in rescuing Christian marriages and building a strong Godly home in Nigeria is a topic of significant importance. Pastors and church leaders are often seen as the spiritual guides and counselors in the Christian community, and their influence can be instrumental in shaping the dynamics of Christian marriages (Ogbonnaya, 2012). They are often called upon to provide guidance and counsel to couples facing marital challenges, and their role in this regard cannot be overemphasized. They are expected to provide biblical teachings and principles that can help couples navigate through the complexities of marriage, thereby fostering a strong Godly home.

In the Nigerian context, the role of pastors and church leaders in rescuing Christian marriages is even more pronounced. Nigeria, being a predominantly Christian nation, places a high premium on the institution of marriage (Adeyemo, 2017). Pastors and church leaders are often seen as the custodians of moral and spiritual values, and their teachings and counsel are highly regarded. They are often called upon to mediate in marital disputes, provide counsel to couples, and even conduct marriage seminars and workshops aimed at strengthening the bond of marriage.

However, the role of pastors and church leaders in building a strong Godly home goes beyond just providing counsel and mediation. They are also expected to provide spiritual leadership and guidance that can help couples build a home that is grounded in Christian values and principles (Ogbonnaya, 2012). This involves teaching couples about the importance of prayer, the study of the Bible, and the need for mutual love and respect. They are also expected to provide guidance on how to raise children in the fear of God, thereby ensuring the continuity of Christian values and principles.

Despite the significant role that pastors and church leaders play in rescuing Christian marriages and building a strong Godly home, there are challenges that they often encounter. One of these challenges is the increasing rate of divorce among Christian couples in Nigeria (Ogbonnaya, 2012). This has raised questions about the effectiveness of the role of pastors and church leaders in this regard. There is also the challenge of cultural and societal influences that often conflict with Christian teachings and principles on marriage.

The role of pastors and church leaders in rescuing Christian marriages and building a strong Godly home in Nigeria is of great importance. They are expected to provide spiritual guidance and counsel that can help couples navigate through the complexities of marriage. However, there are challenges that they often encounter, and there is a need for more research and interventions to enhance their effectiveness in this regard.

  • Statement of the Problem

The problem of Christian marriages failing and the lack of a strong Godly home in Nigeria is a significant issue that needs to be addressed. Pastors and church leaders play a crucial role in this context, but their roles and effectiveness are not well understood or documented. The lack of a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities in rescuing Christian marriages and building a strong Godly home is a significant problem that needs to be addressed.

The failure of Christian marriages and the absence of a strong Godly home have severe implications for the Christian community and the society at large. It leads to broken families, which in turn results in social problems such as juvenile delinquency, drug abuse, and crime (Ogbonnaya, 2015). The role of pastors and church leaders in mitigating these issues is not well defined or understood, leading to a gap in the literature and practice.

The lack of training and resources for pastors and church leaders is another significant problem. Many pastors and church leaders in Nigeria do not have the necessary training or resources to effectively counsel couples and families (Adeyemo, 2017). This lack of training and resources hinders their ability to effectively intervene in marital issues and build strong Godly homes.

The cultural and societal norms in Nigeria also pose a significant challenge. Many cultural practices and societal norms in Nigeria are contrary to Christian teachings on marriage and family (Ogbonnaya, 2015). This cultural and societal context makes it difficult for pastors and church leaders to effectively intervene in marital issues and build strong Godly homes.

The lack of research on the roles of pastors and church leaders in rescuing Christian marriages and building a strong Godly home in Nigeria is another significant problem. There is a dearth of research on this topic, making it difficult to understand the challenges and opportunities in this area (Adeyemo, 2017). This lack of research hinders the development of effective strategies and interventions.

The roles of pastors and church leaders in rescuing Christian marriages and building a strong Godly home in Nigeria is a significant problem that needs to be addressed. The lack of understanding, training, resources, and research in this area is a significant challenge that needs to be overcome.

  • Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to examine The Pastoral role in Christian Marriage. The specific objectives of the study:

  1. To examine the roles of pastors and church leaders in rescuing Christian marriages in Nigeria.
  2. To investigate the strategies employed by pastors and church leaders in building a strong Godly home.
  3. To assess the effectiveness of these strategies in reducing the rate of Christian marriage failures.
  4. To understand the challenges faced by pastors and church leaders in their efforts to rescue Christian marriages.
  • Research Questions

The research questions are buttressed below:

  1. What are the roles of pastors and church leaders in rescuing Christian marriages in Nigeria?
  2. What strategies are employed by pastors and church leaders in building a strong Godly home in Nigeria?
  3. How effective are these strategies in reducing the rate of Christian marriage failures?
  4. What are the challenges faced by pastors and church leaders in their efforts to rescue Christian marriages in Nigeria?
  • Research Hypothesis

The hypothetical statement of the study is buttressed below

HO: Pastors and Church Leaders cannot rescue Christian marriages in Nigeria

H1: Pastors and Church Leaders can rescue Christian marriages in Nigeria

  • Significance of the Study

The significance of the study on the roles of pastors and church leaders in rescuing Christian marriages and building a strong Godly home cannot be overstated. This research will provide a comprehensive understanding of the strategies employed by religious leaders in Nigeria to strengthen Christian marriages and foster a Godly home environment. It will shed light on the effectiveness of these strategies and the challenges faced by pastors and church leaders in their implementation.

The findings of this study will be beneficial to various stakeholders. For pastors and church leaders, it will provide insights into the effectiveness of their current strategies and highlight areas that may need improvement. It will also provide them with a better understanding of the challenges they face, which can inform the development of more effective strategies and interventions.

For Christian couples, this study will provide a better understanding of the role that their religious leaders play in their marriages. It will also provide them with insights into the strategies that are being used to strengthen their marriages and build a Godly home. This can empower them to actively participate in these strategies and seek help from their pastors and church leaders when needed.

For the Christian community at large, this study will provide a better understanding of the state of Christian marriages in Nigeria. It will highlight the role that pastors and church leaders play in strengthening these marriages and building a Godly home. This can lead to increased support for these leaders and their strategies, which can ultimately lead to stronger Christian marriages and homes.

For researchers and academics, this study will contribute to the existing body of knowledge on Christian marriages and the role of religious leaders in strengthening them. It will provide a unique perspective from the Nigerian context, which can inform future research in this area.

Finally, for policy makers and non-governmental organizations working in the area of family and marriage, this study will provide valuable data that can inform the development of policies and programs aimed at strengthening Christian marriages and building a Godly home.

  • Scope of the Study

The study examines The Pastoral role in Christian Marriage. The study is restricted to selected Pentecostal Churches in Lagos Nigeria

  • Operational Definition of Terms

Roles: In this context, roles refer to the responsibilities or tasks that are performed by individuals in a particular position or situation.


Pastors: Pastors are ordained leaders of a Christian congregation who perform duties such as preaching, teaching, and providing spiritual guidance to their congregation. They are often seen as shepherds guiding their flock.

Church Leaders: Church leaders are individuals who hold positions of authority within a church organization. This can include pastors, but also other roles such as elders, deacons, or bishops. They are responsible for overseeing the spiritual and administrative functions of the church.

Rescue: In this context, rescue refers to the act of saving or delivering Christian marriages from problems or difficulties that could lead to their dissolution or failure

Christian Marriages: Christian marriages refer to the union between two individuals under the Christian faith. This union is seen as a covenant before God and is guided by the principles and teachings of the Bible.

Building: In this context, building refers to the act of creating, strengthening, and maintaining.

Strong Godly Home: A strong Godly home refers to a household that is built on the principles and teachings of the Christian faith. It is a home where God is honored and His teachings are practiced, leading to a strong, loving, and harmonious family environment.

Project – The Pastoral role in Christian Marriage