The study examined the role of instructional materials in teaching and learning social Studies in primary schools in Nwangele LGA in Imo State . Social Studies is a core subject offered in the junior secondary schools and tertiary institutions in the education system. And its aims cannot be achieved without the use of instructional materials, owing to the challenge of using instructional materials, which need to be tackled for the achievement of the aims. Therefore, this research work is designed to assess the problems of using instructional materials in the teaching of Social studies in junior secondary schools, in Nwangele Local Government Area of Imo State. Findings obtained from the analysis of the data collected; show that the problems of using instructional materials are the shortage of materials, laziness amongst the teachers, lack of fund for the purchase of instructional materials, and time. It was also observed that the performance of the student has a lot to do with the use of instructional materials during classes. Recommendations were based on the findings. And if this is well implemented, it will go a long way in solving the said problems of using instructional materials in the teaching of social studies for the growth and achievement of the objectives of the subject and the development of the country at large.

                                   CHAPTER ONE                         


Background to the Study

      The utilization of instructional resources including education radio, charts, chalkboards, maps, film strips, and realia materials is essential for teaching at all levels. According to Adekunle (2008), the term “teaching resources” refers to “everything that might help the instructor in boosting teaching and learning” in the field of social studies. Students may learn more quickly when they are given opportunities to use more than one of their senses. Using instructional materials gives instructors a leg up on the competition by providing more engaging and interactive ways to get their message over to their students. In addition, the instructor is offered help with any health issues that could get in the way of his teaching an interesting lesson. According to a statement attributed to Lane and cited by Larson (2001), classrooms have shifted focus from the instructor to the students as a consequence of the use of technology to simulate a face-to-face setting. The onus of education in this scenario is placed squarely on the shoulders of the pupils. The role of the instructor is one of coach, resource guide, and learning partner. Teachers and students are more likely to work together when using a curriculum, and students are more likely to engage in cooperative learning as a consequence.

Ikerionwu (2000) referred to instructional materials as objects or devices which help the teacher to make learning meaningful to the learners. Similarly, Ezegbe (1994) classified them into two as visual materials, made up of reading and non-reading materials and audio-visual materials comprising electrically operated and non-electrically operated materials. Social studies is a subject that depends in the use of a number of resources. Osakwe and Itedjere (1993) summarized these resources as textual like books, audio-visual and human resources. They stated that these resources are either used individually or collectively in any meaningful social studies teaching and learning situation.

The purpose of instructional materials is to promote efficiency of education by improving the quality of teaching and learning. Incorporating these tools and materials present support and reinforces teaching. According to Aduwa-Ogiegbaen and Imogie (2005) these materials and resources including audio tape recorders, video tape recorders, slide projectors, opaque projectors, over head projectors, still pictures, programmed instruction, film strips, maps, charts, graphs, offer a variety of learning experiences individually or in combination to meet different teaching and learning experiences.

Parker (2000) noted that the Social studies teacher has a responsibility to include controversial issues and current events in curriculum. Parker believes that students need to study issues on which there are some disagreement so as to practice analyzing problems; gathering and organizing facts; discriminating between facts and opinions; discussing differing viewpoints and drawing tentative conclusions. DuBey (2009) said that exposing students to controversial issues in their studies enables them to develop the capacity for ethical and moral reasoning so that they become critically reflective thinkers. The social studies classroom should therefore focus on using instructional materials which will help more students into developing a democratic character.

Statement of the Problem

The major goal of using instructional materials in the teaching of Social Studies in junior secondary schools is to educate students to be able to confront problematic situations in the subject with confidence. In other words, Social studies is supposed to teach students to become functional problem – solving students.

In order to make Social Studies teaching and learning meaningful and interesting, teachers need to employ a variety of instructional materials and teaching methods which Adeyemi (2000) states that they are indispensable for the study of Social Studies. He believes that the most appropriate learning takes place when the learner is in control and dominating session in the teaching –learning process.

The variety of instructional materials and methods used in the teaching of social studies are not fully utilized and appropriately used, and these makes the teaching of Social Studies difficult and hard for the students to understand. When the available instructional materials are not properly utilized and well managed, they pose a lot of problem to the teaching of Social Studies. “The problems of using instructional materials, such as the lack of fund, inadequate time for the use of instructional materials, lack of knowledge on the side of the teacher on how to operate the available instructional materials, should be tackled to the core, in order to inculcate in the students, the expected knowledge, about Social studies”. (Odo, 2001:188).

In view of the above, it is important to study the role of instructional materials in teaching and learning social Studies in primary schools in Nwangele LGA in Imo State .

Purpose of the Study

The main purpose of the study is to find out the role of instructional materials in teaching and learning social Studies in primary schools in Nwangele LGA in Imo State. Specifically, the study is designed to:-

  1. Find out the different instructional materials in use, in the teaching of Social Studies in Nwangele Local Government Area of Imo State.
  2. To ascertain the most widely utilized instructional materials by classroom teachers in the teaching of Social studies junior secondary schools?
  3. To find out the different problems of using instructional materials in the teaching of Social studies in junior secondary schools?
  4. To examine the remedies to the role of instructional materials in teaching and learning social Studies in primary schools in Nwangele LGA in Imo State .

Significance of the Study

The result of this research project will reveal to the teachers, students, and the government about the problems of using instructional materials. It will as well be of great significance owing to its quality and contribution.

The result of this research will also guide Social studies teachers to effectively and efficiently use instructional materials and to know the causes of the problems of using these materials.

When these problems are tackled, it will help to stimulate the students’ mind and make them spirited, hence showing positive interest towards teaching and learning, if the materials are efficiently used.

Similarly, the result shall contribute as a source of material to researchers, educational administrators, and stakeholders and curriculum planners to update their knowledge of the causes and problems of using instructional materials.


Scope of the Study

The study examines the role of instructional materials in teaching and learning social Studies in primary schools in Nwangele LGA in Imo State . There are many junior secondary schools in Nwangele Local Government Area of Imo State.

      The scope of the study is limited to seven (7) secondary schools in Nwangele Local Government Area of Imo state which were randomly selected. The scope of the study is on the role of instructional materials in teaching and learning social Studies in primary schools in Nwangele LGA in Imo State . The schools of study had to be selected for a proper and a good research work.

Research Questions

The following research questions were formulated to guide the study:

  1. What are the instructional materials used in teaching Social Studies in junior secondary schools in Nwangele Local Government Area of Imo State?
  2. What are the most widely utilized instructional materials by classroom teachers in the teaching of Social studies in junior secondary schools?
  3. What are the different problems of using instructional materials in the teaching of Social studies in junior secondary schools?
  4. What are the remedies of the role of instructional materials in teaching and learning social Studies in primary schools in Nwangele LGA in Imo State ?