Project – The roles of aggressive evangelism on the church growth

Project – The roles of aggressive evangelism on the church growth -A case study of Christ Apostolic church oke-iyin Zone Nyanyan, Abuja.



  • Background to the Study

Aggressive evangelism, characterized by fervent and proactive efforts to spread religious beliefs, has been a significant factor in the growth of many churches worldwide. In the context of the Christ Apostolic Church Oke-Iyin Zone in Nyanyan, Abuja, this approach has played a crucial role in expanding the congregation and enhancing the church’s influence in the community. The concept of aggressive evangelism involves various strategies, including door-to-door preaching, public crusades, and the use of media to reach a broader audience. These methods are designed to attract new members and retain existing ones by fostering a sense of urgency and commitment to the church’s mission.

One of the primary ways aggressive evangelism contributes to church growth is through its ability to create a strong sense of community and belonging among members. By actively engaging with potential converts and existing members, the church fosters a supportive environment that encourages participation and commitment. This sense of community is particularly important in urban areas like Nyanyan, Abuja, where individuals may feel isolated or disconnected from their neighbors. The Christ Apostolic Church Oke-Iyin Zone has successfully leveraged this approach to build a cohesive and dedicated congregation.

Moreover, aggressive evangelism often involves the use of persuasive communication techniques to convey the church’s message effectively. This includes the use of compelling narratives, emotional appeals, and charismatic leadership to inspire and motivate individuals to join the church. Research has shown that these techniques can be highly effective in influencing people’s beliefs and behaviors (Stark & Bainbridge, 1985). In the case of the Christ Apostolic Church Oke-Iyin Zone, the leadership’s ability to communicate the church’s vision and values has been instrumental in attracting new members and retaining existing ones.

Another critical aspect of aggressive evangelism is its focus on outreach and community service. By actively engaging in charitable activities and addressing the needs of the local community, the church demonstrates its commitment to social responsibility and compassion. This not only enhances the church’s reputation but also attracts individuals who are seeking a sense of purpose and a way to contribute positively to society. The Christ Apostolic Church Oke-Iyin Zone has implemented various outreach programs, such as food drives, medical camps, and educational initiatives, which have significantly contributed to its growth and influence in Nyanyan, Abuja.

Furthermore, the use of modern technology and media has amplified the impact of aggressive evangelism. The Christ Apostolic Church Oke-Iyin Zone has embraced digital platforms, such as social media, websites, and online streaming, to reach a wider audience and engage with members more effectively. This has allowed the church to transcend geographical boundaries and connect with individuals who may not be able to attend physical services. The integration of technology in evangelism efforts has proven to be a powerful tool in expanding the church’s reach and fostering a sense of global community among believers (Horsfield, 2015).

Aggressive evangelism has played a pivotal role in the growth of the Christ Apostolic Church Oke-Iyin Zone in Nyanyan, Abuja. Through the creation of a strong community, persuasive communication, outreach initiatives, and the use of modern technology, the church has successfully attracted and retained members, thereby enhancing its influence and impact. The case study of this church highlights the effectiveness of aggressive evangelism in fostering church growth and underscores the importance of adapting evangelistic strategies to the specific needs and context of the community. 

  • Statement of the Problem

The Christ Apostolic Church Oke-Iyin Zone in Nyanyan, Abuja, has experienced fluctuating growth patterns over the years. While some periods have seen significant increases in membership, others have witnessed stagnation or even decline. This inconsistency raises questions about the effectiveness of various evangelistic strategies employed by the church. One such strategy, aggressive evangelism, has been particularly prominent. However, its impact on church growth remains a subject of debate among church leaders and members. This study aims to investigate the specific roles that aggressive evangelism plays in the growth of the Christ Apostolic Church Oke-Iyin Zone.

Aggressive evangelism involves a range of activities, from door-to-door preaching and public crusades to the use of media and personal testimonies. While these methods are designed to reach a broad audience and convert non-believers, they can also be polarizing. Some individuals may find such approaches intrusive or off-putting, potentially leading to negative perceptions of the church. Therefore, it is crucial to understand whether aggressive evangelism is genuinely effective in attracting and retaining new members or if it inadvertently drives people away.

The problem is further compounded by the lack of empirical data on the subject. Most of the existing literature on church growth focuses on more general factors such as community engagement, social services, and spiritual development. There is a noticeable gap in research specifically examining the impact of aggressive evangelism. This gap makes it difficult for church leaders to make informed decisions about their evangelistic strategies. Without concrete evidence, they may either over-rely on aggressive methods or dismiss them entirely, neither of which is ideal for sustainable growth.

Moreover, the cultural and social context of Nyanyan, Abuja, adds another layer of complexity. The area is a melting pot of diverse ethnic and religious groups, each with its own unique perspectives on evangelism. What works in one community may not necessarily be effective in another. Therefore, understanding the local context is essential for evaluating the success or failure of aggressive evangelism in this specific setting. This study aims to provide a nuanced analysis that takes these cultural factors into account.

Another aspect to consider is the internal dynamics within the Christ Apostolic Church Oke-Iyin Zone. Different factions within the church may have varying opinions on the use of aggressive evangelism. Some may view it as a necessary tool for fulfilling the Great Commission, while others may see it as counterproductive. These internal disagreements can affect the overall cohesion and effectiveness of the church’s evangelistic efforts. By examining these internal dynamics, this study seeks to offer a comprehensive understanding of the issue.

In summary, the problem at hand is multifaceted, involving the effectiveness of aggressive evangelism, the lack of empirical data, the cultural context of Nyanyan, and internal church dynamics. This study aims to address these issues by providing a detailed analysis of the roles that aggressive evangelism plays in the growth of the Christ Apostolic Church Oke-Iyin Zone. The findings will not only contribute to the academic literature but also offer practical insights for church leaders seeking to optimize their evangelistic strategies.

1.3. Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to examine the roles of aggressive evangelism on the church growth, a case study of Christ Apostolic church oke-iyin Zone Nyanyan, Abuja.

  1. To examine the impact of aggressive evangelism on the growth of the Christ Apostolic Church Oke-Iyin Zone in Nyanyan, Abuja.
  2. To identify the strategies employed by the church in implementing aggressive evangelism.
  3. To assess the perception of church members towards aggressive evangelism and its role in church growth.
  4. To analyze the challenges faced by the church in implementing aggressive evangelism practices.
  • Research Questions

The research questions are buttressed below:

  1. What is the impact of aggressive evangelism on the growth of the Christ Apostolic Church Oke-Iyin Zone in Nyanyan, Abuja?
  2. What strategies are employed by the church in implementing aggressive evangelism?
  3. How do church members perceive aggressive evangelism and its role in church growth?
  4. What challenges does the church face in implementing aggressive evangelism practices?

1.5. Research Hypothesis

The hypothetical statement of the study is buttressed below:

Ho: Aggressive evangelism has no significant impact on the growth of the Christ Apostolic Church

H1: Aggressive evangelism has significant impact on the growth of the Christ Apostolic Church

1.6. Significance of the Study

The significance of studying the roles of aggressive evangelism on church growth, particularly in the context of Christ Apostolic Church Oke-Iyin Zone in Nyanyan, Abuja, is multifaceted. Firstly, it provides a deeper understanding of how aggressive evangelism strategies can impact the numerical and spiritual growth of a church. By examining specific methods and their outcomes, church leaders and members can gain insights into effective evangelistic practices that resonate with their community. This understanding can help in formulating more targeted and impactful outreach programs that align with the cultural and social dynamics of the area.

Secondly, this study is significant because it highlights the potential challenges and ethical considerations associated with aggressive evangelism. While aggressive evangelism can lead to rapid church growth, it may also raise concerns about the methods used and their impact on individuals and the broader community. By exploring these aspects, the study can provide a balanced perspective that helps church leaders navigate the fine line between fervent evangelism and respectful engagement with potential converts. This balance is crucial for maintaining the church’s integrity and fostering positive relationships within the community.

Thirdly, the case study of Christ Apostolic Church Oke-Iyin Zone in Nyanyan, Abuja, offers a localized perspective that can be valuable for other churches in similar contexts. The specific cultural, social, and economic factors in Nyanyan can influence the effectiveness of evangelism strategies. By documenting and analyzing these factors, the study can serve as a reference for other churches in Abuja and beyond, helping them to adapt and refine their evangelistic approaches based on the unique characteristics of their communities.

Furthermore, the study’s findings can contribute to the broader field of missiology and church growth studies. By providing empirical data and insights from a specific case study, it adds to the body of knowledge on how different evangelism strategies impact church growth in various contexts. This can inform academic discussions and further research on the topic, leading to a more comprehensive understanding of the dynamics of church growth and evangelism.

Additionally, the study can have practical implications for training and equipping church members for evangelism. By identifying successful strategies and common pitfalls, it can inform the development of training programs and resources that prepare church members to engage in effective and ethical evangelism. This can enhance the overall evangelistic efforts of the church and contribute to its long-term growth and sustainability.

Lastly, the significance of this study extends to its potential impact on the community at large. By fostering a more effective and respectful approach to evangelism, the church can build stronger relationships with the community, promote social cohesion, and contribute to the overall well-being of the area. This holistic approach to church growth, which considers both numerical increase and community impact, can serve as a model for other churches seeking to grow in a way that is both impactful and sustainable.

1.7. Scope of the Study

The study examines the roles of aggressive evangelism on the church growth, a case study of Christ Apostolic church oke-iyin Zone Nyanyan, Abuja

1.8. Operational Definition of Terms

Roles: Roles refer to the functions or positions that individuals or groups assume within a particular context. In the context of a study, roles can pertain to the specific duties, responsibilities, or activities that contribute to a particular outcome or objective.

Aggressive Evangelism: Aggressive evangelism is a form of evangelism characterized by a proactive, assertive, and sometimes forceful approach to spreading religious beliefs and converting individuals to a particular faith. This method often involves direct and persistent efforts to engage with people, share religious messages, and encourage them to join or participate in religious activities.

Church Growth: Church growth refers to the increase in the number of members, attendees, or participants in a church community. It can also encompass the expansion of the church’s influence, resources, and activities. Church growth can be measured in various ways, including numerical growth (membership numbers), spiritual growth (depth of faith and commitment), and organizational growth (development of church programs and infrastructure).

Christ Apostolic Church: The Christ Apostolic Church (CAC) is a Pentecostal Christian denomination that originated in Nigeria. It is known for its emphasis on the power of the Holy Spirit, prayer, and evangelism. The CAC has a rich history and has played a significant role in the spread of Pentecostalism in Nigeria and beyond. The church is organized into various zones and districts, each with its own leadership and activities.

Project – The roles of aggressive evangelism on the church growth -A case study of Christ Apostolic Church, oke-iyin Zone Nyanyan, Abuja.