Project – The Roles of Evangelism on the growth of the Gospel Faith Mission International Akure District Oyemekun Akure Ondo State

Project – The Roles of Evangelism on the growth of the Gospel Faith Mission International Akure District Oyemekun Akure Ondo State.



  • Background to the Study

The growth of religious organizations often hinges on the effectiveness of their evangelistic efforts. Evangelism, defined as the proclamation of the Gospel to spread Christian faith, plays a crucial role in the growth of various church denominations, including the Gospel Faith Mission International (GFMI) in Akure, Ondo State. Research highlights that evangelism not only enhances church membership but also deepens the spiritual engagement of congregants (Wagner, 2006). In the context of GFMI, evangelistic strategies such as door-to-door outreach, community events, and social services have significantly contributed to the church’s growth and visibility within the local community.

The unique sociocultural context of Akure enhances the effectiveness of evangelistic efforts. Studies indicate that the integration of local cultural elements into evangelism can lead to greater acceptance of Christian teachings (Oduyoye, 2010). GFMI’s approach includes incorporating local languages and traditions into its evangelistic activities, making the Gospel more accessible and relatable to the indigenous population. This cultural sensitivity has facilitated not only the conversion of new members but also the retention of existing ones, fostering a sense of belonging within the church community.

Moreover, the role of leadership in evangelism cannot be overstated. Effective leadership within GFMI has been pivotal in mobilizing resources and volunteers for evangelistic campaigns. According to Kotter (1996), leaders who inspire and motivate their congregations can significantly enhance church growth through unified efforts in evangelism. The leadership structure of GFMI encourages participation from all members, fostering an environment where collective evangelism is seen as a communal responsibility rather than a task relegated to a select few. This participatory approach has proven effective in reaching diverse demographics in Akure.

In addition to local outreach, the use of technology in evangelism has emerged as a significant factor in the growth of GFMI. The advent of social media and online platforms has allowed the church to reach a broader audience beyond geographical limitations. Research by Campbell (2012) indicates that churches utilizing digital platforms for evangelism experience increased engagement and membership growth. GFMI has embraced this trend by hosting online services, webinars, and evangelistic campaigns, which have attracted not only local but also international followers. This modern approach has been particularly vital during the COVID-19 pandemic, where traditional forms of gathering were restricted.

Community involvement also plays a crucial role in GFMI’s evangelistic efforts. The church’s commitment to social responsibility through charitable works, such as health outreach programs and educational initiatives, has created a positive image within the Akure community. As noted by McClung (2015), churches that actively engage in community service often experience enhanced growth due to the goodwill generated among local populations. GFMI’s dedication to addressing social issues has helped in breaking down barriers and fostering relationships with non-members, ultimately leading to increased interest in the church’s teachings.

The interplay of effective evangelism strategies, cultural integration, strong leadership, technological adaptation, and community involvement has been instrumental in the growth of the Gospel Faith Mission International in Akure District. Future research could further explore the long-term impact of these evangelistic methods on sustaining church growth and spiritual development within the congregation. As the church continues to navigate the challenges of modernity while remaining rooted in its mission, the lessons learned from its evangelistic efforts could serve as a valuable framework for other religious organizations aiming to achieve similar growth.

  • Statement of the Problem

The Gospel Faith Mission International (GFMI) in Akure District has been a significant force in promoting Christian values and community service within Ondo State. However, as with many religious organizations, it faces challenges in sustaining growth and engagement among its members. A key factor in this growth is evangelism, which serves not only as a method of outreach but also as a means of fostering community cohesion and spiritual development. Understanding the roles and impacts of evangelism within GFMI is crucial for addressing these challenges and enhancing the church’s effectiveness in its mission.

Despite its foundational role in spreading the gospel, there is a noticeable gap in scholarly research specifically addressing the effectiveness of evangelism strategies employed by GFMI in Akure. Many existing studies focus broadly on evangelism within Christianity or on other denominations, leaving a need for more tailored research that examines the unique context of GFMI. This lack of targeted investigation limits the church’s ability to evaluate its evangelistic efforts and adapt them to better meet the needs of its congregation and the surrounding community.

Additionally, the dynamics of the local community in Akure, including demographic changes and shifting cultural values, pose challenges for traditional evangelism methods. Members of GFMI are increasingly navigating a society marked by pluralism and varying religious beliefs, which can lead to resistance against conventional evangelistic approaches. This changing landscape necessitates a re-evaluation of how evangelism is conducted and the need for innovative strategies that resonate with both current members and potential converts.

Moreover, internal factors within GFMI, such as leadership styles, member engagement, and resource allocation, also influence the effectiveness of evangelistic initiatives. A church’s internal cohesion and sense of purpose can significantly impact its outreach efforts. Understanding how these internal dynamics play a role in the church’s evangelism strategies will provide insight into optimizing them for better results. The interplay between internal and external factors creates a complex environment that warrants careful examination.

The lack of a comprehensive framework to assess the impact of evangelism on church growth further complicates the situation. Without clear metrics and evaluation methods, it becomes challenging for GFMI to measure the success of its evangelistic efforts. This gap in assessment can lead to misallocation of resources and ineffective strategies that do not align with the church’s goals for growth and community impact. Establishing a structured approach to evaluate evangelism’s contributions will enable GFMI to adapt and thrive in its mission.

Finally, addressing these issues is imperative not only for the growth of GFMI but also for the broader impact it can have on the community in Akure. As a spiritual and social institution, GFMI holds the potential to influence values, promote social justice, and foster community development. By understanding the roles of evangelism in its growth, GFMI can position itself as a transformative force in the lives of individuals and the community at large. This research aims to illuminate these roles, providing actionable insights that will support GFMI in its mission and enhance its effectiveness in serving both its congregation and the wider community.

1.3. Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to examine the Roles of Evangelism on the growth of the Gospel Faith Mission International Akure District Oyemekun Akure Ondo State. The specific objectives are:

  1. To assess the effectiveness of evangelism efforts in spreading the message of the Gospel Faith Mission International.
  2. To analyze the impact of evangelism on the growth and expansion of the Gospel Faith Mission International.
  3. To identify the barriers faced in evangelism activities within the Ondo State region.
  4. To explore the perceptions and attitudes of community members towards evangelism.

1.4. Research Questions

The research questions are buttressed below:

  1. How effective are evangelism efforts in spreading the message of the Gospel Faith Mission International?
  2. What is the impact of evangelism on the growth and expansion of the Gospel Faith Mission International?
  3. What are the barriers faced in evangelism activities within the Ondo State region?
  4. What are the perceptions and attitudes of community members towards evangelism?

1.5.  Research Hypothesis

The hypothetical statement of the study is buttressed below:

Ho:  Evangelism has no significant impact on the growth and expansion of the Gospel Faith Mission International.

H1:  Evangelism has significant impact on the growth and expansion of the Gospel Faith Mission International.

1.6. Significance of the Study

The Gospel Faith Mission International (GFMI) has been pivotal in shaping spiritual lives and fostering community development in Akure District, Ondo State. This study examines the significance of evangelism in facilitating growth within the church, emphasizing how outreach efforts contribute to the mission’s overall objectives. Understanding these roles is crucial for identifying effective strategies that can enhance evangelistic activities, thereby leading to increased membership and deeper community engagement.

One of the primary roles of evangelism within GFMI is its capacity to disseminate the core tenets of the faith. Through various outreach programs, church members share their beliefs and values with potential converts, creating a ripple effect that enhances the church’s visibility. This visibility not only attracts new members but also strengthens the faith of existing congregants, fostering a vibrant community committed to spiritual growth. The significance of this role cannot be overstated, as it lays the groundwork for sustainable church expansion and community influence.

Furthermore, evangelism plays a critical role in addressing the spiritual needs of the local population. In a region where socio-economic challenges are prevalent, the church often serves as a beacon of hope. By reaching out to individuals who may be struggling with various life issues, GFMI provides not only spiritual support but also practical assistance, such as counseling and community service initiatives. This holistic approach to evangelism underscores the church’s commitment to improving lives, which in turn strengthens the congregation’s bond with the community and encourages further outreach.

The effectiveness of evangelism in GFMI is also evident in its ability to cultivate leadership within the church. Through training programs and mentoring initiatives, members are equipped with the skills necessary to engage in evangelistic activities. This empowerment not only enhances the church’s outreach capabilities but also fosters a sense of ownership among members, encouraging them to take an active role in the growth of the church. This dynamic creates a culture of leadership that is vital for sustaining the church’s mission and adapting to the evolving needs of the community.

Moreover, the study highlights the relationship between evangelism and church growth metrics, such as attendance, membership, and financial contributions. By analyzing the impact of various evangelistic strategies, it becomes evident that consistent outreach efforts correlate positively with church growth. This understanding provides valuable insights for church leadership, enabling them to allocate resources effectively and tailor evangelism initiatives to maximize impact. Recognizing these patterns can lead to a more strategic approach in expanding the church’s reach and influence.

The significance of this study lies in its comprehensive exploration of evangelism’s multifaceted roles in the growth of the Gospel Faith Mission International Akure District. By shedding light on the importance of outreach in spiritual dissemination, community support, leadership development, and measurable growth, the research serves as a foundational resource for church leaders and members alike. Ultimately, understanding and enhancing the role of evangelism will not only foster the growth of GFMI but also contribute to the spiritual and social upliftment of the Akure community.

1.7.  Scope of the Study

The study examines the Roles of Evangelism on the growth of the Gospel Faith Mission International Akure District Oyemekun Akure Ondo State.

1.8. Operational Definition of Terms

Roles: Roles refer to the functions or responsibilities that individuals or groups fulfill within a specific context. In the context of a church or religious organization, roles can encompass a range of activities, such as leadership, teaching, outreach, and community service, each contributing to the overall mission and effectiveness of the organization.

Evangelism: Evangelism is the act of proclaiming or sharing the Christian gospel, which is the message of Jesus Christ and salvation. It involves efforts to convert individuals to Christianity and to spread its teachings through various means, such as preaching, personal testimony, community outreach, and mission activities. Evangelism is often viewed as a fundamental duty of believers to share their faith with others.

Growth: Growth in a religious context typically refers to the increase in the number of members, the expansion of influence, or the deepening of spiritual maturity within a church or faith community. This can include quantitative aspects, like attendance and membership, as well as qualitative aspects, such as the development of individual faith and community engagement.

Gospel Faith Mission International (GFMI): Gospel Faith Mission International (GFMI) is a Christian denomination that emphasizes evangelism, holiness, and community service. Founded in Nigeria, GFMI seeks to spread the teachings of Christianity and promote spiritual growth among its members through worship, outreach programs, and educational initiatives. The organization often focuses on meeting both the spiritual and physical needs of its community.

Church: A church is a structured community of believers who gather for worship, fellowship, and spiritual growth. It can refer to a physical building where worship services are held or to the broader body of believers in a specific faith tradition. Churches typically engage in various activities, including worship services, educational programs, community service, and evangelistic efforts, to fulfill their mission and support their members’ spiritual lives.

Project – The Roles of Evangelism on the growth of the Gospel Faith Mission International Akure District Oyemekun Akure Ondo State