Project – Theological Evaluation of the Impact of Social Actions on the Growth of Churches. The Anglican Diocese of Ughelli.

Project – Theological Evaluation of the Impact of Social Actions on the Growth of Churches. The Anglican Diocese of Ughelli.



  • Background to the Study

Hello! The impact of social actions on the growth of churches has been a topic of interest for many theologians and researchers. Theological evaluation of this impact provides a unique perspective, as it combines the spiritual and social aspects of church growth. According to Stark and Finke (2000), social actions, such as community service and outreach programs, can significantly contribute to the growth of churches. They argue that these actions not only attract new members but also strengthen the faith of existing members, leading to a more vibrant and active church community.

In contrast, a study by Chaves (2004) suggests that while social actions can indeed attract new members, they may not necessarily lead to sustained growth. Chaves argues that the impact of social actions on church growth is contingent on the nature of the actions and the context in which they are implemented. For instance, social actions that align with the church’s theological beliefs and values are more likely to contribute to growth than those that do not.

However, a more recent study by Putnam and Campbell (2010) presents a more nuanced view. They propose that the impact of social actions on church growth is mediated by the level of religious pluralism in the society. In societies with high religious pluralism, churches that engage in social actions are more likely to grow as they are seen as more inclusive and tolerant. On the other hand, in societies with low religious pluralism, social actions may not have a significant impact on church growth

Despite these differing views, there is a general consensus among theologians and researchers that social actions play a crucial role in the growth of churches. As noted by Wuthnow (2007), social actions not only help churches to fulfill their spiritual mission but also enable them to engage with the wider society, thereby enhancing their visibility and influence.

However, more research is needed to fully understand the complex relationship between social actions and church growth. Future studies could, for example, explore how different types of social actions impact church growth in different cultural and societal contexts.

  • Statement of the Problem

The problem of understanding the impact of social actions on the growth of churches is a complex one, with many facets to consider. Theological perspectives often emphasize the spiritual aspects of church growth, such as faith, prayer, and divine intervention. However, the role of social actions, such as community outreach, social justice initiatives, and charitable works, is less clear.

The lack of clarity on this issue is problematic because it can lead to misunderstandings and miscommunications within the church community. For instance, some members may feel that the church is focusing too much on social actions at the expense of spiritual growth, while others may feel that the church is not doing enough to address social issues. This can lead to conflict and division within the church, which can hinder its growth.

Furthermore, the lack of understanding about the impact of social actions on church growth can also affect the church’s strategic planning and decision-making processes. Without a clear understanding of how social actions contribute to church growth, church leaders may struggle to make informed decisions about where to allocate resources and how to prioritize different initiatives.

The problem is further complicated by the fact that the impact of social actions on church growth may vary depending on the specific context. For example, in some communities, social actions may have a significant impact on church growth, while in others, they may have little to no impact. This variability makes it difficult to draw general conclusions about the impact of social actions on church growth.

Finally, there is a lack of empirical research on this topic. While there are many anecdotal reports and case studies about the impact of social actions on church growth, there is a need for more rigorous, systematic research to provide a more comprehensive understanding of this issue.

The problem of understanding the impact of social actions on the growth of churches is a complex and multifaceted one. It is a problem that has significant implications for the church community, for church leadership, and for the broader field of theology. Therefore, it is a problem that warrants further investigation and research.

  • Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to examine the theological Evaluation of the Impact of Social Actions on the Growth of Churches.  The specific objectives are:

  1. To examine the theological perspectives on the role of social actions in church growth.
  2. To evaluate the impact of social actions on the growth of churches from a historical and contemporary viewpoint.
  3. To identify the types of social actions that have the most significant impact on church growth.
  4. To analyze the correlation between the frequency of social actions and the rate of church growth.
  • Research Questions

The research questions are buttressed below:

  1. What are the theological perspectives on the role of social actions in church growth?
  2. How have social actions impacted the growth of churches from a historical and contemporary viewpoint?
  3. What types of social actions have the most significant impact on church growth?
  4. Is there a correlation between the frequency of social actions and the rate of church growth?
  • Research Hypothesis

The hypothetical statement of the study is buttressed below:

Ho: Theological perspectives has no significant impact on the role of social actions in church growth

H1: Theological perspectives has significant impact on the role of social actions in church growth

  • Significance of the Study

The study of the theological evaluation of the impact of social actions on the growth of churches holds significant importance in various aspects. Firstly, it provides a comprehensive understanding of the role of social actions in church growth from a theological perspective. This understanding can help religious leaders and church administrators to incorporate social actions that align with their theological beliefs and contribute to church growth.

Secondly, this study can contribute to the existing body of knowledge on church growth and development. By evaluating the impact of social actions on church growth from both historical and contemporary viewpoints, this study can provide insights into the changing dynamics of church growth strategies over time. This can be beneficial for researchers and scholars interested in the field of religious studies and church growth.

Thirdly, the study can help in identifying the types of social actions that have the most significant impact on church growth. This can guide churches in planning and implementing social actions that are more likely to contribute to their growth. This can also lead to more effective utilization of resources by focusing on the most impactful social actions.

Fourthly, by analyzing the correlation between the frequency of social actions and the rate of church growth, this study can provide empirical evidence on the effectiveness of social actions in promoting church growth. This can help in debunking myths and misconceptions about the role of social actions in church growth.

Fifthly, the findings of this study can have practical implications for churches. They can use the insights from this study to enhance their social actions and thereby, promote their growth. This can lead to increased participation of church members and a stronger sense of community.

Lastly, this study can also have broader societal implications. By promoting church growth through social actions, churches can play a more active role in addressing social issues and contributing to societal well-being. This aligns with the broader mission of many churches to serve the community and make a positive impact on society.

  • Scope of the Study

The study examines theological Evaluation of the Impact of Social Actions on the Growth of Churches.  The Anglican Diocese of Ughelli.

  • Operational Definition of Terms

“Theological Evaluation” refers to the process of assessing or examining a particular subject or concept from a religious or spiritual perspective. It involves the application of theological principles and doctrines to understand and interpret phenomena.

“Impact” is a term used to describe the effect or influence that one event, action, or entity has on another. In the context of this study, it refers to the effect of social actions on the growth of churches.

“Social Actions” are activities or initiatives undertaken by individuals, groups, or organizations with the aim of bringing about social change or improvement. These actions can range from charity work and community service to advocacy and activism.

“Growth” in the context of churches, refers to the increase in the number of church members or attendees, the expansion of church programs and services, or the physical expansion of the church’s facilities.

“Churches” are religious institutions where Christians gather for worship and fellowship. They are also centers for religious education, community service, and spiritual growth.

“The Anglican Diocese” is a district under the pastoral care of a bishop in the Anglican Church. It is a geographical division made up of parishes, which are local church communities. The bishop oversees the spiritual and administrative affairs of the diocese.

Project – Theological Evaluation of the Impact of Social Actions on the Growth of Churches. The Anglican Diocese of Ughelli.