The Major Ethnic Groups in Sierra Leone
Several different ethnic groups may be found in the West African country of Sierra Leone. The Mende, Temne, Limba, Kono, and Kuranko are Sierra Leone’s five most populous ethnic groupings.
Approximately one-third of Sierra Leone’s population is of Mende descent. The majority of these areas may be found in the southeast and the east of the United States. The Mende are well-known farmers who also excel in weaving and carving wooden objects.
The Temne people are the country of Sierra Leone’s second biggest ethnic group, making up around 31% of the total population. Most of them may be found in the country’s northern and western regions. The Temne are well-known for their basket making and pottery abilities in addition to their expertise in fishing and commerce.
The Limba make up around 8% of the total population of Sierra Leone, making them the third-largest ethnic group there. The majority of these communities may be found in the country’s northern regions. The Limba are well-known for their expertise in both ironwork and farming.
The Kono are the country’s fourth-largest ethnic group, accounting for about 5% of the total. The majority of these communities may be found in the eastern United States. The Kono are well-known for their agricultural and diamond-mining techniques.
The Kuranko are the country’s fifth-largest ethnic group, making up about 4% of the total. Most of them may be found in the northeastern region. The Kuranko are well-known for their agricultural and predatory skills.
As a whole, Sierra Leone is home to several different ethnic groups, all of which have their own customs and traditions.